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  1. J

    The hoo-hah surrounding investment banking

    Meh it's only median salary figures, skewed for shiz didnt, we all do stats 101 :P
  2. J

    Bachelor of Commerce (Liberal Studies)

    Kek, bye guys. Got around the new 1st yr reqs by submitting a jam packed award course planner.
  3. J

    The Easiest Subjects (Any faculty)

    Legendary, thanks guys i will look into those.
  4. J

    The Easiest Subjects (Any faculty)

    Hi there. I'm sure a lot of us 3rd years or even 1st and 2nd years have a few electives up our sleeves to throw around. Post here if you've taken some relatively easy subjects (ie if you want to have a good time/bludge take this subject :) ), the criteria being ease, attendance, strucutre and...
  5. J

    Don't feel silly, it is confusing [SMH]

    Yes ^. I have found this thread is less of an argument/debate/discussion and more of a yeh but *pointless tangent semi-related to the issue* diversion exercise of sorts. Noone for the against UAI side adresses the key issue which is comparative quantitative analysis of results, rather than the...
  6. J

    Don't feel silly, it is confusing [SMH]

    Yeah but how can the rankings be fair if there are no state wide tests to rate or seed if you will (thx aus open :P ) schools. Yeah I meant private relative to ours not that they privatised per se, sorry about that. If you think $20g's US a semester is fair (hello Harvard), regardless of...
  7. J

    Don't feel silly, it is confusing [SMH]

    Bottom line is they don't publish any publicly available rules or course requirements, therefore IMO the system is significantly LESS fair then the one currently implemented in NSW. Let's not forget the privatisation of the College system (particularly the elite colleges/uni's there) and the...
  8. J


    Since i was with the pre-05' 25% increase in HECS fees rate, I'm told I will be paying HECS unbder the current higher rate with my course transfer (from commerce (liberal studies) to commerce). Seems kinda unfair for a almost mere technicality whereas commerce/arts students dropping half of...
  9. J

    Don't feel silly, it is confusing [SMH]

    University used to be free back in the old school labor days, but almost bankrupting the country forced economic rationalism to reign in on the parade.
  10. J

    Don't feel silly, it is confusing [SMH]

    I was under the impression there were no state wide tests (iirc) thuse comparisons between rankings in schools becomes mightily hard. The US system encompasses the GPA, essay and SAT but how fair is this still? 2 out of 3 aren't a fair comparative benchmark and there are no official 'cut off...
  11. J

    Don't feel silly, it is confusing [SMH]

    HSC/UAC system is the fairest process I've heard of. Seriously it standardises results and leaves little room for error, except in the few cases at unsw or whatever. A system like in the US or Qld would be prone to a bazillion times more corruption. If you thought people bought their way into...
  12. J

    Uni Entry System about to Collapse (SMH) - (re: UNSW)

    Was this new clause discreetly entered into the by-laws or whatever this year or has it been in there for a few with regards to the unsw selection process?
  13. J

    Uni Entry System about to Collapse (SMH) - (re: UNSW)

    Fuck yeah cuz a system like Qld's got is so much more fucking comprehensive and fair eh????????????
  14. J

    It appears that USYD finally switched to online enrollments!

    After 2 (well technically 2.5) gruelling years im out! :P
  15. J

    '06 Transfer Candidates Post Here

    B Commerce @ Usyd coming from a B Comm (liberal studies). Saving a year of my life (you're wasting that year stazi im telling ya :P ). Pretty stoked.
  16. J

    Post your 2007 University Offers Here!

    B Commerce Usyd Fuck yeh im going to uni for one less year! Take that B Comm (liberal studies) you superfluous course you!
  17. J

    The hoo-hah surrounding investment banking

    Academic for shiz.
  18. J

    The hoo-hah surrounding investment banking

    35 year old ib'er i know is on 800 000 a year base salary... Is that incentive enough? (Seriously i dunno it's a massive call). IB'ing is a fickle industry, moves with the economic swings in a more exagerated sense i believe.. The first thing to go is the boats...
  19. J

    Subject choices?

    I hear financial statement analysis is pretty good and easy, so ima do that and they count both it AND tax 1 towards the finance major for our year, so im pretty happy.
  20. J

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    Not a bad basketball team at UNC either.