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  1. J

    Nick De Roos and Murry Smith - conspiracy theory?

    I really only peroused the lecture notes just to double check if i had covered it all. It is all in the text book though, im pretty certain. Just workthrough the examples you get set and you'll understand more clearly the content you need to cover.
  2. J

    Nick De Roos and Murry Smith - conspiracy theory?

    Really it's not about lectures in stats, lectures make you more confused imo. I was lucky enough to get an awesome tutor who gave us all the notes we needed, I didn't actually look at the lec notes at all when studying. So go to tute's and write everything down!
  3. J

    ACCT1001 quiz

    Um the subject in general not the quiz.
  4. J

    ACCT1001 quiz

    I got 83 for this subject, my highest eva, was stoked!
  5. J

    Is it easy to transform (transfer) a course?

    Re: Is it easy to transform a course? Maybe if your course is more than meets the eye! Had to be said.
  6. J

    USYD CAMP! *this weekend!!*

    Yeh but commerce students actually have to do real work in that time.
  7. J

    One more unit to fill

  8. J

    One more unit to fill

    Because CLAW 1002 isn't a req for any major or accreditation program. You can do CLAW 2001 after completing the pre-req (CLAW 1001) so it's not limited to 2nd yrs.
  9. J

    One more unit to fill

    And CA is generally considered better/more prestigious because it's longer and has more practical elements than a CPA (this is apparently even admitted by the CPA program itself so it's a no brainer). And the unit codes have changed so dramatically because of the standardisation of 2nd and 3rd...
  10. J

    One more unit to fill

    But erm ECMT 1020 isn't necessary anymore for a CPA OR a CA. Do CLAW 2001 (Corporations Law) in 2nd semester as it is required for both (and your 1st yr will be identical to mine last yr).
  11. J

    Changed my mind about a UoS... what do I do?

    Yeah I think it's about when the timetables come out.
  12. J

    Is this a good economics course?

    Judging by that triple post, yes.
  13. J

    Attention all USyders - VSU Information

    Any confirmation on the original suggestion??
  14. J

    $$$ Student sub fees on enrollment $$$

    They don't support modern medicine, so they vicariously kill people. Which is a fair conclusion to draw I thought, alternative medicine has it's place but only after modern medicine has thoroughly been utilised.
  15. J

    $$$ Student sub fees on enrollment $$$

    Yeah since his site has so much 'evidence', a few obscure photos and all of a sudden the SRC is a terrorist organisation. I don't disagree with much of what phanatical says (particularly when it comes to the way our student funds are squandered), but his methods and some of his conclusions are...
  16. J

    $$$ Student sub fees on enrollment $$$

    Shutup, you are just as one sided and bias as they are phanatical. You'd be great at Chinese communist propaganda pamphlets.
  17. J

    Second & Third year credit point clarification

    Looking at it now from a 6cp perspective you can almost, almost get away with a triple major in accounting/finance/claw within the regular B of Commerce degree. They prob wouldn't allow this though would they?
  18. J

    Second & Third year credit point clarification

    So going off the Usyd site it doesn't appear to even give us the option to do an extra 2cp assignment, this must just be wishful thinking on the uni/tertiary eduction board's part (and probably won't materialise past the official letter sent out earlier this yr). So it looks like I just have to...
  19. J

    Second & Third year credit point clarification

    Do we get a choice? From next year second and third year subjects will become the standardised 6cp subjects, with the option of doing an 'extra' assignment for the last two credit points. This is a change from the traditional 8 cp second and third yr subjects. Personally I find this somewhat...
  20. J

    Tutorial vs Seminar - Whats the difference?

    I think'd be a good fight, but in the end I think a tutorial would use it's speed to outmanoeuvre a seminar, and eventually win.