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  1. J

    NUS Blacklists Uni's

    Err what are the intangible services i'm getting for my $600 of union fees this year? And how does Rose expect to maintain "services" for next year without compulsory union fees, make it user pay in the sense that you have to join the union or pay individually for the services? Or altogether...
  2. J

    CA vs CPA?

    Sorry to bump an old thread, but just to update the information regarding the CA program; the two important changes that have been made are: - There is no introductory module in the program anymore, this means the program simply consits of 4 technical modules. Before it was 4 plus the...
  3. J

    ECMT Quiz 3

    It should do...
  4. J

    ACCT2012 - Budget Case

    Yep made same mistake, monthly interest expense rate is /12, voila ! you're done (pretty much)
  5. J

    ACCT2012 - Budget Case

    So whooping you in the reply stakes today brogan!
  6. J

    ACCT2012 - Budget Case

    The first 4 columns are right. Must have screwed up variable o/h, dl or selling and admin. The first two are simply req'd production (units) by the accompanied rates.
  7. J

    ACCT2012 - Budget Case

    Err yeh sorry 25%. Yep your receipts are right now.
  8. J

    ACCT2012 - Budget Case

    You realise you only pay 70% of that month's purchases, +last months unpaid purchases, + variable monthly o/h, plus monthly sellign and admin, + monthly DL cost.
  9. J

    ACCT2012 - Budget Case

    Fin A research projects can be collected now~~~ btw.
  10. J

    ACCT2012 - Budget Case

    Wow there is seriously something strange going on with the way Opera handles this site and its cookies. Sometimes it just wont refresh, sometimes posts dissapear, grr.
  11. J

    ACCT2012 - Budget Case

    Omg has my lengthy post vanished?! Just in case for posterity: Yeh dude you gotta lock the cell references to the data sheet, you CANNOT have numeric values for any of your calcs, this will render errors. To do this click in the cell reference in the formula so put your cursor on the actual...
  12. J

    ACCT2012 - Budget Case

    Your cash receipts and cash payments are off. Double check your figures and calcls.
  13. J

    ACCT2012 - Budget Case

    Yeh dude you gotta lock the cell references to the data sheet, you CANNOT have numeric values for any of your calcs, this will render errors. To do this click in the cell reference in the formula so put your cursor on the actual cell reference to the data sheet (within) and hit the f4 key, this...
  14. J

    ACCT2012 - Budget Case

    No you can merely reference sheets A-K since its only the data sheet that will change.
  15. J

    ACCT2012 - Budget Case

    Dont worry, figured it out, jan 2007 forecasts had to be recalculated. Check out the Variable Cost of Goods Sold for November 2006 equation (my own it wont work for you OK?): =D!H16*D!J16+D!K16+E!D15+E!E15-D!F16*D!J16+'C'!E16*Data!Q26-Data!Q26*'C'!D16 Gazooks, ok now to do the cash...
  16. J

    ACCT2012 - Budget Case

    Whats wrong here???
  17. J

    ACCT2012 - Budget Case

    Ok why is my Direct material purchased in 2006 ($'s) off by about 600$ ><
  18. J

    Bachelor of Commerce (Liberal Studies)

    So my sources tell me you cannot transfer out of commerce (liberal studies) to straight commerce after a year of study now due to the gayness in the new pre-req's for commerce. Any confirmation? I so don't want to be stuck at uni doing arts and sciences for a whole yr :(
  19. J

    ACCT2011 - Financial Accounting A

    Yeah I just finished this, any comments? I treated the preference shares as a liability in the hypothetical situation.