Search results

  1. J

    Why does Accounting suck?

    That's an absolutely ridiculous idea, if you do the cpa pre-req's at uni don't you pretty much automatically get an accounting major anyway? As for why accounting sucks, it doesn't suck within the commerce faculty, it rocks. But within society, the word arbitrary comes to mind.
  2. J

    Economics and commerce similarities

    Ha let me get this straight you are trying to protect unsw from people like him in a canditure of a totally different year to your own on the miniscule chance he might be in a lecture or tutorial you attend and somehow dampen your own experience at uni with his excessive questions? Laughable...
  3. J

    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2006)

    Re: Semester 2 Chatter Thread Is this some sort of gay thinly disguised communal blog? If so sign me right up thx.
  4. J

    Results: Semester 1, 2006

    Erm I saw my transcript the other day, there is no weighting in cp's for absent fails, I am sure of it. Are you absolutely sure absent fails count? The absent fails are tangible, they appear on your transcript but I don't think they are included in the calc.
  5. J

    Just Checked University Guide-2006 & guess what?

    Outsourcing will make us all unemployed, discuss.
  6. J

    ASIC ups the ante in search for top grads

    Public servants, you pay for what you get... But yeah their corporate lawyers are a joke.
  7. J

    Results: Semester 1, 2006

    Absent fails do not count towards your gpa nor wam im pretty certain.
  8. J

    Quick Question

    Oi tommy screw off claw 1b and go straight to corp law, you don't need claw 1b for anything.
  9. J

    Results: Semester 1, 2006

    Since I scour the numbers in this thread for comparisons I thought it only fair to post my own results so here they are a bit late (was at the snow..): Semester 1 Alpha Digit Unit of Study Name Mark Grade ACCT 2011 Financial Accounting A 79.0 Distinction ACCT...
  10. J

    Parking fee increase

    That's what you get when you have a CA running the uni. Penny pinching on max power, gotta pay for that new law building.
  11. J

    SMH: Selling the union to students

    Wasting the last of the funds from the coffers before the union fades from existence...
  12. J

    ENRON: Skilling and Lay guilty

    Um Rene did more than that, I remember one of my mates had a chat with some of the people working on cases against him at ASIC. He did things such as buying shares then recommending them in his investor magazine and subsequently selling them. The people on the tail end of those up and down...
  13. J

    Accounting 1A Results

    Final results... never. Maybe there's a delay with the actual data input for each individual student... Not sure what's going there dude. Be patient.
  14. J

    Bachelor of Commerce (Liberal Studies)

    Whats gay is transferring to commerce from comm(lib) means i have to do the new core units but strangely i can do my majors under the pre-2006 resolutions. Wtf is up with that.
  15. J

    Accounting 1A Results

    He probably just failed the final or they've lost part of his exam paper or hes being audited for his practice set (actually happend to me, thought i cheated ffs). More than likely it's the former of those though.
  16. J

    Plastic Student Cards

    Agreed. What does mid yr enrolment entail? I cant even remember...
  17. J

    ACCT2011 - Financial Accounting A

    Results are out for this btw.
  18. J

    Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation)

    Re: Subject Reviews More like memorise a few things on an excel output :P
  19. J

    What positions in finance offer decent salaries for fewer hours than IB?

    Ok question. Do employers look at the individual subjects you take within a finance major in considering an application? Like to do IB you would prob need to have done mergers and acquisitions (or whatever parallel subject in other unis), but to do trading are you expected to have done a subject...
  20. J

    GDipAppFin @ FINSIA

    Yeah thats what i wanna know whats generally better... masters, honours (& whatever) or ca/cfa programs.