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  1. J

    Choice of commerce major

    Economics was an awesome subject imo, i miss it. Pity I didn't get to cover more than what was basically covered in high school. Might take a few electives next year.
  2. J

    Best way to meat ppl

    Hey maen check my join date, technically im an old skool playa k?
  3. J


    Yes but define life, it's such a relative term. Like how many ants did you step on today? Did you mourn them? How many kids die needlessy in 3rd world countries.. why not adopt them instead etc etc. I'm pro choice btw.
  4. J

    Sex - Worth the wait?

    Um I would not take the above article as gospel, there are some STD's you can never rid. Conservative hedonism seems like a pretty good approach to life. So if you think sex will be fun try it relatively responsibly imo.
  5. J

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    Looks like some advanced form of scaling.
  6. J

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    Yeah that may be an issue, i'm trying to avoid it by handing in one of those award planners. As for the possibility of 3 majors it's cause I'm in the anomaly year with the credit point changes, the only year you could really pull of the triple major in 3 years dealio.
  7. J

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    Yeah pretty much, still need to get my finance major and even claw as a third major if i could be bothered. Should have maybe 4-5 electives over next year pending a transfer (*fingers crossed*) from commerce (lib) to commerce.
  8. J

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    Management accounting is most definitely not harder than financial accounting. I think I can speak with some authority on the matter since i have my accounting major and got a 79 in Man A. Fin A is harder cause you need to memorise specific pro forma journal entries and methodology, Man is...
  9. J

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    Since I have my accounting major and got 79 in Fin A I think I can speak with some authority on the matter. Fin A is hard, but not hard if you do the work. The quizzes are tough, but if you cover the material sufficiently you should be fine. Just dont underestimate the depth of a topic.
  10. J

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    So who's got their accounting major? /raises hand
  11. J

    Best way to meat ppl

    I have an issue with your request for pm's about issues, it seems a tad suss!
  12. J

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    Heh apparently i got 46% in the man B final, i didn't remember it being that hard?
  13. J

    Is Usyd all its cracked up to be?

    Quoted for truth.
  14. J

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    Man same boat, thought i nailed the finals... dam.
  15. J

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    It's doing that blank out weekend thingo ><
  16. J

    Best way to meat ppl

    A meat clever imo Omg dont believe noone jumped on a similar joke quicker.
  17. J

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    You are making a mockery out of this court room skeeta!
  18. J

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    That's how I talk... you sound like a scene cat melimoo, let's get off head some time :P
  19. J

    We're all going on a... SUMMER HOLIDAY! (Chatter thread)

    I'm looking to get into a few k holes.... maybe not... Drinking, partying, jobbing (need to get a job, but to do the serious full time thing or part time thing is the question)...
  20. J

    Major choice.

    Well im glad we cleared this up!