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  1. R

    Roll call for those trying to transfer to USyd/UNSW Law this year

    Nooo.. you're wrong. Torts is one of the most interesting courses available. Foundations and Civil and Criminal Procedures is an absolute bore. It's not hard to do well in torts, just don't screw up the exam.
  2. R

    How many max straight hours [no breaks] do you have at uni?

    Coffee is your friend. Also, go to Woolies stock up on caffeine pills and sugar free V.
  3. R

    0.2 under cutoff - chances of 2nd round?

    Cutoffs generally go up during 2nd and 3rd rounds. So fairly slim chance.
  4. R

    Roll call for those trying to transfer to USyd/UNSW Law this year

    Wow, you called them and they gave you such info? Back when I applied for a transfer, they wouldn't divulge any information regarding the admission. Congrats to all you got an offer, and for those who didn't, try again harder next year. Or better still go get a JD.
  5. R

    Best course to do if wanting to transfer to Comm/law

    Commerce. That's what I did. It's incredibly difficult to transfer to a CSP place. All the best.
  6. R

    Sydney uni question about enrolling

    Sorry to budge in, but for returning students at usyd, we can change our pre-enrolled courses right? Student Admin at USYD is not allowing me to edit my course planner until O-Week
  7. R

    Can I change my enrolled courses?

    sorry to budge in, but for returning students at usyd, we can change our pre-enrolled courses right? Student Admin at USYD is not allowing me to edit my course planner.
  8. R

    Roll call for those trying to transfer to USyd/UNSW Law this year

    Grats with getting an offer from Monash. When I applied, I didn't get one from Monash, only from USYD. It's incredibly hard to get an offer from Victoria, considering there's only one famous/reputable law school. If you can get into Monash, you would have no problem with USYD. I had a mid 90s...
  9. R

    Transfer to combined law at USYD

    It will be easier to do well in Arts subjects than law subjects. All you need is a distinction in first year arts which would be no problem (considering your ATAR is quite high). A high distinction (HD) average would be better to secure a spot. On the other hand, first year law subjects like...
  10. R

    Who will be looking for love at Uni?

    I'll be looking for some 'loving' in law/commerce/ski camp...
  11. R

    Transfer from usyd

    troll wannabe?
  12. R

    Do you think it's better to stay on campus?

    Living on-campus is absolutely great. You don't have to cook, clean and you can wake up late. Only drawbacks are the cost and increased circle of friends ("could" affect study patterns)
  13. R

    Class participation - what's the point?

    I love class participation marks, easy 10-20% marks. I would also suggest you talk to your tutors after the tutorial. Ask a few general questions, introduce yourself. That way they will have a better impression of you as a person.
  14. R

    Reapplying for MBBS

    If your ATAR is strong enough (like 99+) and you redo the UMAT and get a reasonable score, it might be easier for you to apply as a recent year 12 school leaver than a transferee. The reason is for courses like law (no idea about medicine) in USYD, 30% of the intake is for transferees. Whereas...
  15. R

    Reapplying for MBBS

    Actually, if you quit before the USYD census date (31st March), it wouldn't matter if you started the course.
  16. R

    wifi at usyd

    Now it's $15/GB instead of the usual $20/GB. Yay I guess :l
  17. R

    usyd- printing notes

    10 cents a page is so expensive :( I went and got myself a laser printer from MSY.
  18. R

    best things to write on during lectures

    140pg book per subject.