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  1. mad-triste

    disheartened by writer's showcase..

    Well, remember that the English Extension 2 course asks that you build on what you've learnt in the base courses. - they want to see that students are able to manipulate style, content and concept as well as experiment and open new boudaries. Working within convention, they can't see that you're...
  2. mad-triste

    Word up! Future con hopefuls for 2008

    Oh, the humiliation! I know. I wore my altogether classiest clothes for my musicol interview, and the sticker completely ruined the ensemble. Did the exam today - yes, it was actually pretty easy. Just music-2 stuff, really. I only glanced at the last question and thought it said, "two-part...
  3. mad-triste

    Art Express Preselection

    Question: it is possible, is it not, to get high marks on the BOW and yet not be selected? I recieved an exceedingly high mark on my final BOW assessment and my teacher assured me of getting a nomination, but I didn't. Go figure. There's nothing in my work that would shock or offend, either -...
  4. mad-triste

    The HSC Art syllabus: fundamentally flawed.

    But it has to accommodate all art students. I took art merely because I adore the theoretical and analysis work. I am completely visually untalented and I despised tje creation of my major work. Most people take visual arts because they think they've got their hand at being an artist, and its...
  5. mad-triste

    Word up! Future con hopefuls for 2008

    oh, me too! Did my musicology interview last Tuesday, and I have Classical Voice tomorrow. Have you done the aural exam yet? I'm slightly worried about that...
  6. mad-triste

    young writer's showcase 2007

    Just put it up this instant, sorry, bos wasn't working for me in the last few weeks. Hope you like it. ps. Amez, I think your work is brilliant. I'm honoured to have my work considered...
  7. mad-triste

    BOS Showcase: 2007 Major Works

    Here's my major work. It's poetry + reflection statement, and got nominated for YWS.
  8. mad-triste

    young writer's showcase 2007

    What sort of mws do we have? Mine was poetry, and... that just makes it all the more unbelievable. Anyone know how many people get nominated :: how many get in? Are they sort of ceremonial nominations like visual arts, which gets freaking 600 works or something?
  9. mad-triste

    young writer's showcase 2007

    So. letters have been sent, apparently - anyone nominated for Young Writer's?
  10. mad-triste

    Another UAI prediction Please

    It's not really a matter of 'what mark do I need to get this mark', it's more that it looks like you just have to work like crazy to build up your marks in areas especially like maths. There's no threshold that dictates what mark you need for a certain UAI, and I doubt that even if you boosted...
  11. mad-triste

    Who Has Had Their Trials?

    last one tomorrow! Music 2 performance and music ext. musicology final assessment. ...then, of course, art next week. & extension 2 english the week after. and music composition the week - oh, forget it.
  12. mad-triste

    what happens if u start crying??

    Well... um... that's not very professional, is it? Remember that you're not just being marked on your emotional involvement - the focus is the technical ability and stylistic interpretation. If you're so into a piece that you're crying over it, you're not paying enough attention to your...
  13. mad-triste

    Supplementary Material: Postmodernism

    Don't use Blackadder. I tried to, but really it's not constructed as a postmodern text and it's hard to construe it that way without sounding really stupid. My teacher also told me that it's a bad choice. "Tristram Shandy: a Cock and Bull Story" (the recent film) is excellent. Anyone else doing...
  14. mad-triste

    Trials: When are they? Are you ready? How were they? (merged)

    Re: When are your trials? Are you ready? (merged) do doop de do! I'm in a *very* good mood right now because both of my english trial papers are over! General math tomorrow and I know I'm good. Muchos time to study for ext2. And second week is art and music, so bludge-tastic. ...which explains...
  15. mad-triste

    is this year depressing you?

    I bounce between enjoying just *being* a student, to the pressure of having to well, knowing that this next exam is serious, so is the one after that... etc. Plus there's the constant pressure of knowing that I HAVE to score above 98. Which is, frankly, impossible.
  16. mad-triste

    What are you currently Reading?

    French Lieutenant's Woman... (ssh. still haven't finished it yet and my trial ext english is this thursday.) hate John Fowles. what I WISH I were reading, and have been slipping it in on the side... "Calcium Made Interesting", miscellaneum concerning Graham Chapman <3 and hesketh pearson's...
  17. mad-triste


    Well, for music 2 you have to chose your own topic from within a list that basically encompasses all of Western music - Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, C19th, 1900-1945, and 1945-25 years ago. And then you narrow it down to an area that you're interested in, and focus on one aspect of...
  18. mad-triste

    Singers!!! Performance!!!

    I'm a soprano as well.... taking music 2. I've been taking lessons since - year 8, I think? I forget. I'm actually very bad. what repetoire are we all doing? I'm doing an insane avant-garde Shakespeare setting for my core, and two arias from Menotti operas for my additional (one of them's...
  19. mad-triste

    Extension Musicology

    oh, the awesome-tastic! Are you going for the Con, too?
  20. mad-triste

    H&M - Related text... Vietnam War

    I'm studying it as well... I happen to think that it's a beautifully constructed, deeply interesting book. (or at least would be if it weren't a set text.) But there's nothing "disgusting" about it in the least.