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  1. S

    is understanding year 12 ext 1 math (2&3u) book good?

    Then yeah; 1st book it pretty good for understanding
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    Mech master race

    Mech master race
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    Anyone doing Comp Sci (or a similar course) at UTS?

    You questions need to be more specific. For example, what part of software? Actual coding or creating, development, etc?
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    is understanding year 12 ext 1 math (2&3u) book good?

    Understaning maths is good from learning from but not good questions unless its from the level 3 ones
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    Difference between Med and Adv Science for Medicine?

    I don't have much knowledge about the gamsat but I was making the point that your work ethnic would increase. Thx, good luck with med
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    What would I need to do to get a >90 atar and am i sitting on one atm?

    you're probs looking at a 90+ atar already. Ext Eng and 1U of something else won't count in your atar
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    Difference between Med and Adv Science for Medicine?

    I think doing any degree (except arts) would make it easier because you learn that you need to study more and you have more xp
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    UNSW vs MACQUARIE for B Commerce

    what answer do you want? In the end you'll be making the decision and the merits of choosing one uni over the other will have minimum benefits if at all.
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    Are you comfortable with 24/7 Government Surveillance?

    I think this too but are you willing to sacrifice some of that freedom for your safety? theoretically; say you're in a high tower and a plane was about to hit it in the name of terrorism. What's going to save you; a counter drone or your freedom?
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    Maiden Names

    tbh; wouldn't care because they can do what they want. It shouldn't be a deal breaker if you really love them ha! gggaayyyeee
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    UTS or USYD open day

    there are plenty of those. And stay for free food, legit had like 5 hot dogs and stole some bottle water
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    Atar estimate!

    you're atar will depend on your externals since you're at the top of the cohorts. anywhere from 80 - 99.95 IMO; SOR and probably 2U maths won't be included in your atar
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    Sydney Girls Years 8-9

    there will probably be a zero percent chance. According to their website: all of it's students are female notsureiftroll