Search results

  1. S

    Are you comfortable with 24/7 Government Surveillance?

    nao; you're not listening. I am ONLY talking in hypothetical terms. Of course we can't build something that is 100% always going to work and I was talking about an ideal world, but I am saying if this was a perfect world (which it isn't); then would you be comfortable with such a system?
  2. S

    UNSW meat thread v2.

    when's the next one?
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    pls, I am not for sale
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    past papers
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    Should I pick up 4U Maths?

    yes 4U is good scaling and fun since you're in a top 10 school, your school will probably carry you
  6. S

    Which BOSER or person you know will get the highest aggregate in the state?

    you were attacking me? nice try/10 but gl with everything :)
  7. S

    Which BOSER or person you know will get the highest aggregate in the state?

    if you look very closely; you can see a university forum
  8. S

    Has anyone gotten a band 6 without reading any prescribed Texts/Novels?

    I got a band 4 and all i did was watch blade runner
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    Interest and Job prospects for different uni degrees.

    that's how we do it :p but yeah I agree with engol; businesses need to hire more grads and move the older people up the chain
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    Need help ~

    you can become an accountant or secretary respectively. A google search will reveal the options available yes in general. If supply > demand then obviously some are going to miss out
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    Need help ~

    no you only pay for what you do. for example I owe like $8K on hecs but generally an engo/sci degree costs like $60-70K depends
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    Need help ~

    something business-ey or even science where a lab is your office
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    Need help ~

    put anything down and then when you'll decide later transfer into that course and the subjects you've already done can maybe be a gen ed or something
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    Don't know what to choose!

    you should choose engineering/science
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    Need help ~

    don't do that