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  1. E

    Linear Algebra

    Even though you didn't ask, my solution to (c). It seems very long. If you have a more concise answer please share it. Couldn't get Latex working so here is a picture:
  2. E

    USYD commerce majors and prospects

    I will chime back in with on the maths/economics issue. If your aspiration is to undertake graduate study in economics at a relatively reputable university then you will probably need to write the GRE in maths. I am not sure if this is an absolute necessity for Australian universities (although...
  3. E

    A good course for a maths student?
  4. E

    Linear Algebra Q

    You've probably figured this out by now, but anyways: If you could show that three vectors given in the polynomial space B={1-t, 1-t^2, 1+t-t^2} formed a basis for the polynomial space, then this would mean any vector in the polynomial space could be written as a unique sum of the vectors in B...
  5. E

    USYD commerce majors and prospects

    Nope, I just got lucky. You were on the currently discussed tab. But to add some actual input (don't want to get the mods angry): in most of the comments that talk about econometrics as the application of maths, stats etc to economic theory, there is an implication that somehow econometrics is...
  6. E

    USYD commerce majors and prospects

    JasonG123, known Usyd stooge. Disregard completely.
  7. E

    A good course for a maths student?

    I wouldn't say this course gives any special advantage to maths students. If you want to do Econ, then 2101 (Micro 2) and game theory (2112) are much more suited to maths students. Computing is fun but a much more work than most commerce subjects.
  8. E

    The UNSW Scaling Thread

    Did he say that this year? Because I think I remember him specifically saying at the beginning of last year that the other lecturer (sem 2 guy) gives out about that ^^^ distribution of grades but that he usually does like 20/25% HD and some other ridiculously generous numbers. But yeh, he was...
  9. E

    The UNSW Scaling Thread

    Scaling (in my experience) falls into 4 categories (the last three overlap): 1. Scaling in relation to another course. For example Math1131/41, higher and lower physics etc 2. Scaling to some sort of departmental or faculty average. Eg some actuarial courses scale to an average of 65 (I think -...
  10. E

    Actuarial studies vs com/laws vs commerce (liberal studies)

    Quantitative skills are the most important thing if you want to get into trading/hedge funds. Therefore actuarial > liberal studies (with financial maths etc) > comm/law. If you want to get into M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions) then perhaps comm/law is more appropriate.
  11. E

    subject choices

    Yes to both questions. For the record, completing MATH1251 will make ECON2101 harder to stomach, since you will have all these nice methods for maximising/minimising multi-variable functions but 2101 will just want you to blindly throw some partial derivatives into a ratio and assume it works.
  12. E

    ASB Dean's List

    Anyone know how your stage for the award is determined? Is it UOC completed as of the end of the year? or the beggining? I have completed 72UOC with WAM last year over 90 and no email...
  13. E

    UNSW Subject Reviews.

    COMP1921 (Computing 1B) Ease: 8/10. More conceptually challenging than 1911 but moves very slowly so should be fine. Content: 6/10. Again, slightly more interesting than 1911 but labs are less interesting and more tedious so yeh. Lecturer: Michael Thielscher 8/10. Pretty good, slightly drone...
  14. E

    ASB Course Rank

    96 in macro was equal 2nd this session. So you would be 4th I suppose (or 3rd if you want to count it that way)
  15. E

    ASB Course Rank

    In my experience ASB courses don't go out of their way to tell you but if you email the lecturer they generally will without any issues. Which courses do you think you may have gotten a top 10 rank in?
  16. E

    Post your results and wam thread (s2/14)

    Was this the WAM that your transcript had from last Friday?
  17. E

    Post your results and wam thread (s2/14)

    Same here, program WAM has changed for me. I have only had one of four subjects released provisionally. EDIT: My new program WAM seems highly unlikely to be correct. Given the one mark I have this session I would need to average 96 in the other three to get the new WAM. Due to dropped marks...
  18. E

    2014 COMP finals thread.

    Anyone know if COMP1921 results are generally released provisionally before the main release date?
  19. E

    does you wam get reset if you transfer through UAC programs and faculties?

    Anyone know what happens if you go from a combined degree to another with both degrees coming from the same faculties? Ie Actuarial Studies and Adv Maths to Economics / Science (Maths major) or rather to Comm / Adv Maths?
  20. E

    Post your results and wam thread

    T1 COMP1911 Computing 1A.....................97 HD T1 FINS1612 Capital Markets & Institution....85 HD T1 FINS1613 Business Finance.................93 HD T1 MATH1081 Discrete Mathematics.............92 HD Bloody andrew taylor's q7.