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  1. E

    Polynomials Question

    By two rational roots that are opposites of each other do you mean they are the negative of each other or that they are reciprocals of each other?
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    any good related texts for romulus, my father?

    Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. Talk about isolation, cultural homogeneity. Goodbye to Berlin by Christopher Isherwood. Talk about anything.
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    Related Material for Julius Caesar

    If you could talk with sophistication about that sort of debate, then go for it. You could use techniques they utilize in their debates (eg allusion, metaphor etc) as well as techniques specific to the debate format (eg rebuttal). You should be careful to not hark on simply about whether god...
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    English Tutor and Essay Editing Service - FIFTH IN STATE, ATAR 99.90

    Bump - tutoring spots filling up fast. Get in quick or consider online editing!!
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    Good related texts for Advanced and Extention 1?

    It's one thing using a 500 page novel to double up on related texts, but if you are going to use films (which is perfectly fine) you can probably spare the two hours to watch different films for each subject/module. In terms of those films: The Castle: Potentially interesting things to say about...
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    literary techniques for a film ?? :/

    Techniques such as anaphora or epistrophe were originally applied to poetry and only later got appropriated into the analysis of prose. Now, dialogue is a legitimate part of a film and should be analysed as such. But it is just that, only a part, and this should be considered. I would stray away...
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    How to get band 6 in English?

    I graduated from a school that usually is in the top 3 for English in NSW. Although obviously not conducive to a an appreciation of literature or whatever and perhaps a flaw in the course (although a course that forced students to come up with 4 paragraph theses in 40 minuites would also be...
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    HSC 2013 English Advanced Marathon

    Re: 2013 HSC English Advanced Marathon From the other thread, I didn't see you had specified your text here. See if you can pick up where I left off with specifics from Romulus. (from the other thread) That question is tricky because beyond whether one belongs or not, it is asking for a...
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    Get better in English Advanced- Contribute ideas/essay questions here!!

    What core text are you doing? That question is tricky because beyond whether one belongs or not, it is asking for a discussion of whether you perceive that belonging differently or at all because of context. My advice would be to break up context into 3/4 different strands. Suppose we break it...
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    I 'Dislike' English to the Point Where I Don't Try

    Pete, with the right attitude I think English can become bearable, if not almost enjoyable. Although you are not choosing your modules or electives, try and adjust what you can to engage yourself. Pick related texts that you find interesting or, even better, pick a related text that you thin...
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    Tutoring for the HSC: Math Ext 1 | Math Ext 2 | Legal Studies | Economics

    Bump for Dave, best Legal and Economics tutor out there!
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    HSC English Adv./ Ext 1 / 2 - TUTOR, ESSAY EDITING SERVICE - ATAR 99.90, 5th in State

    Hi everyone, my name is Adam and I am pleased to offer my services as an English tutor and essay editor. In the 2012 HSC I received the following English results: an ATAR of 99.90 Advanced English mark of 98. This placed me FIFTH in the state. Extension 1 Mark of 48/50 Extension 2 Mark of...
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    English Tutor and Essay Editing Service - FIFTH IN STATE, ATAR 99.90

    Hi everyone, my name is Adam and I am pleased to offer my services as an English tutor and essay editor. In the 2012 HSC I received the following English results: an ATAR of 99.90 Advanced English mark of 98. This placed me FIFTH in the state. Extension 1 Mark of 48/50 Extension 2 Mark of...
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    UNSW scholarships results

    Yep same, may i ask which one(s) did you get?
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    Actuarial Studies/Maths Structure & Taking Leave

    I want to take the second semester off because my original plan was to take the whole year off to work and then hopefully backpack somewhere. But I won a scholarship that cannot be deferred and taking the second semester off seems the only way I can keep the scholarship and get to travel a bit...
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    UNSW scholarships results

    So far, I have been successful for one UNSW scholarship and unsuccessful for another. For the successful one, they sent me an email (yet the icon on the online thing does not say successful - still 'pending'). For the unsuccessful one, they sent me an email saying the status of one your...
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    Actuarial Studies/Maths Structure & Taking Leave

    A few things that I would appreciate getting cleared up: 1. I plan on doing the combined actuarial studies / adv maths course ( My first question is do you know how to track down a typical study plan. I have found one for the old...
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    That tower question

    You are right, in the exam I wrote something like: The magnetic attractive force counteracts the weight force leading to a lesser reading on the scale.
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    That tower question

    beat me to it...
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    That tower question

    For the balance, as the solenoid moved away from the north pole (I think that was the one facing up) a south pole would have been set up to try and move the solenoid back toward the magnet (ie resisting the change in flux). Therefore the magnet on the scale would have been attracted to the south...