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  1. as.merd

    Completion Plan !!

    heyyy, may iask what your pip topic is about ?
  2. as.merd

    2024 HSC Chat

    Hellooo !!:wavey:
  3. as.merd

    2024 HSC Chat

    omg this must be 100% a kafka referenceo_O (im delusional)
  4. as.merd

    2024 HSC Chat

    Hello everyone !! would greatly appreciate if you guys could spare some time to do my survey for my PIP in society & culture My topic explores Examining the portrayal of Islam and Muslims in Western Media Here is the link :))
  5. as.merd

    Anyone else doing EES?

    ees lol😹 I've been procrastinating alot abt when I'm gonna do the work, but never actually get to it😞
  6. as.merd

    Anyone else doing EES?

    I've gotta do my case studies smh🤞🏻
  7. as.merd

    Anyone else doing EES?

    ong, we kinda have like a running joke were we just pijt and random rocks and he tries to guess em lmao😭😭
  8. as.merd

    Anyone else doing EES?

    hahah fr my teacher is like so goofy, and actually has like a passion for teaching it, and overall its like the easiest science so you can away with not extensively studying, were doing mod 8 rn, but mod 5 is abt dinasours, so fun😸😸
  9. as.merd

    Anyone else doing EES?

    Omg also this great, ees is getting some recognition, by far my fav subject !!
  10. as.merd

    Anyone else doing EES?

    Metamorphic, sedimentary and igeneos (that's all I remember for ees in yr 11)
  11. as.merd

    2024 HSC Chat

    frr, my school can't catch a break this was like the second real lock down, last one we had was like 3hrs, it was literally hell lmao
  12. as.merd

    2024 HSC Chat

    idk, that's why I was asking loll
  13. as.merd

    2024 HSC Chat

    well they were in the middle of the exam when it happened and it went for like 45 min, so it be unfair if they did it again
  14. as.merd

    2024 HSC Chat

    no it actually happened 😭😭
  15. as.merd

    2024 HSC Chat

    also guys, what would happen if there was like a real lock down during the HSC, and kids had to get under the table and stuff, since they can't continue would they get like an estimated mark from their trials or sumn?
  16. as.merd

    2024 HSC Chat

    ngl that's sounds interesting, I rlly needa open up my options
  17. as.merd

    2024 HSC Chat

    LMAOOO, I love Kafka, he's just a silly little guy
  18. as.merd

    2024 HSC Chat

    Definitely anything by Franz, so the trial, metamorphosis... Next would probably be animal farm, and Sherlock Holmes, lol although classic lit is pretty good, philosophy is more enjoyable tbh
  19. as.merd

    2024 HSC Chat

    HAHAHH yesss, finally someone recognised it, classic literature enjoyers stand up🤞
  20. as.merd

    2024 HSC Chat

    i need to put more effort into things like that lmao ☠:fish: