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  1. undalay

    Advanced engineering usyd vs engineering nsw

    This is slightly incorrect. First first year you need a UAI 98+ to be invited for second to fourth year you need a distinction WAM or above to be invited. There are much more than 6 students to be accepted. - no limit
  2. undalay

    3 Unit Maths HSC Exam Revision

    Displacement of stone = Displacement of bird Vt = 10t + X, where X = initial displacement of bird. V = 10 + X/t t is a function of max height (which is 2x pole height). Thus velocity is a function of pole height, and initial displacement. E.g. If you have initial distance of pole...
  3. undalay

    Advanced engineering usyd vs engineering nsw

    This is incorrect. At usyd you choose to do honors thesis or a group project. Only by completing your thesis will you be awarded an honors. Furthermore I believe you need a credit average to do thesis.
  4. undalay

    Advanced engineering usyd vs engineering nsw

    What engineering stream? but yes, advanced engineering is brilliant. I highly recommend it.
  5. undalay

    Free Tutoring: Web-Based And In-Person

    This seems too good to be true. Why do you offer this service? What do tutors/professors gain out of helping you out?
  6. undalay

    Engineering fields

    Hey George, I attained a 99+ UAI, and ended up doing B ChemEng at usyd. Here are my thoughts. Don't focus too much on your career right now, do something you enjoy. I think mining/petroleum/chemical are all fairly similar. Chemical is more broad and all. of mining/petroleum companies hire...
  7. undalay

    How do people do law AND engineering at the same time?

    I would say first year actually has higher amount of contact hours than second year (for USYD eng). 2nd year 2nd semester I have about 20 hours a week normal load of contact hours. 1 year I had about 24 contact hours a week. The "suggested" study load is 3 hours per subjects, so 12 hours...
  8. undalay

    How do people do law AND engineering at the same time?

    For a straight eng degree you normally do 24 credit poitns of ENG. For a combined degree of ENG you normally do 18 points of eng and 6 credit points of law per semester. (For my ENG at usyd). It's not more work, he'd probably have less contact hours than a straight eng student.
  9. undalay

    How would you transit 4U maths to Yr 10

    Explain your answer. Difficulty wise, its not THAT much harder. It's more like, 4u has about 10x as much content as year 10. Question: Is it possible to cover a 7 by 7 square with non-overlapping 3 by 1 rectangles? Explain your answer.
  10. undalay

    1st Year Engineering - Textbook/Subject requirements.

    I agree completely with most of your points. However regarding lectures for maths, I found that they are just a merely regurgitation of math notes (sometimes word for word)! I would highly recommended attending the math tutes, I am just pointing out that they are not compulsory to attend : )
  11. undalay

    Advanced Engineering - 2nd year

    There is a separate ADV subject that relates to space. This is available in semester 2 for all Aeronautical engineering students. (2nd years) The topic for first year is usually random.