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  1. banana_monkey


    Iris? Ummm, I'm fairly sure they make an incision where the cornea meets the sclera, not in the iris. It's so even possible to cut into the iris without passing through the sclera or cornea first anyway. Oh well, you can always hope for the best.
  2. banana_monkey

    calcium carbonate q

    Yeah, that sounds right. That was my reasonining at least. I'm pretty sure I also got around 0.6something. I found the question a bit tough though, I've never ran into a question were you had to take into account the excess and use it to find the concentration of the original substance. Never...
  3. banana_monkey

    Module C - Powerplay

    Awesome, thats the way to do it. Long live memorisation! I agree with the not knowing what the hell the quote was on about. I think our class should have looked at what the actual module topic heading actually meant, instead of diving straight into the text. Oh well. I hope all goes well.
  4. banana_monkey

    Best Old Skool Game

    You call yourself a metroid man and you don't own Super Metroid? Tsk tsk! Anyone remember Pilot Wings for SNES? That was such an awesome game.
  5. banana_monkey

    Which Console has the best controller?

    Indeed. And sif fighting games. If you want the real experiance, buy one of those arcade style fighting boards. Thats how a man plays fighting games.
  6. banana_monkey

    Which Console has the best controller?

    The smaller version of the xbox controller became standard for all new xboxes after, like 2004 some time I think. I know mine came with a smaller controller, and I bought it last year. But, I agree, the older, bigger one is rarther uncomfortable. The smaller one is much better. Still prefer...
  7. banana_monkey


    Too old? I had someone who was the same age as my farther train me at KFC. And if you weren't retarted, you would have found a job by now :-P
  8. banana_monkey

    Which Console has the best controller?

    SNES gamepad. None of this joystick crap. 3D games are for pussies.
  9. banana_monkey

    girls i need help

    As said before, outlaw biker is the way to go. I think you should try find the ladder theory page for advice on what the whole "I just want to be friends" crap means.
  10. banana_monkey

    Fashion Contacts

    Ummmm, actually albino people tend to have blue eyes. Take a look Stolen from "The myth that all persons with albinism have "white hair and red eyes" is not true. Colorless iris in humans is pale blue"
  11. banana_monkey

    Final Fantasy

    The CG in the PS1 versions of IV-VI are quite crap, trust me. You can however, still get the PS1 versions if you look hard enough. Some EB's still have them.
  12. banana_monkey

    Final Fantasy

    Yeah, between all the implied homo-erotism between him and Cloud, I guess he's ok. But yes, FF 7 was probably the coolest. 8 was ok, but it seemed like all the cool stuff happened before the game starts, and you just get to mop up the shit. I thought the love story was stupid as well. That card...
  13. banana_monkey

    alcohol and random sex?

    No no no no, I meant the TV show passions. The library can show you.
  14. banana_monkey

    How do you get a girl to like you?

    Stupid? I'm not the one who is very obviously completely oblivious to generally accepted forum etiquette. I even tried to tell you that nicely. Well, now all I can say is go die in a fire.
  15. banana_monkey

    Best Old Skool Game

    I've still got my SNES with all it's good old awesome games, like Mario Kart, Super Punchout, Secret Of Mana, Steet Fighter 2 Turbo, Super Metroid, all three donkey kongs and the list goes on. Keeping old systems and playing them is the best things ever. /me hugs SNES
  16. banana_monkey

    How do you get a girl to like you?

    What I mean is, people tend to get miffed if you post lots of short posts usually adressed at one person, and people prefer things like that to be done through private messages or MSN. I am impartial, but others are not. Then again, people at BOS like gossip and flirting, as they masturbate...
  17. banana_monkey

    How do you get a girl to like you?

    Please, your incessant flirting with each other can be held in an entirely more private place, such as MSN or a cybersex chat room. But, hey, if you guys want, continue on!
  18. banana_monkey

    How do you get a girl to like you?

    Chicks love the spiderman. Everyone should give it a go once in a while. Anyone who does not know what a spiderman is, has obviously never experianced the awesomeness that is being spidermaned. PS: The OC is gay
  19. banana_monkey

    alcohol and random sex?

    Passions tells me that girls get raped because they're slutty. It's cool to win over the love of your life with date rape drugs, pacts with the devil and all that stuff to. Cause, you know, it's passions. It can't be wrong, can it?
  20. banana_monkey

    Do chicks like to give more oral than to receive?

    I think this thread can be summed up, courtesy of a great quote from Young Ripe Mellons #1(and yes, they spelt melons wrong) Vince: So, what do you like to do sexually? Avy: I like to suck dick. I like the man meat.