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  1. banana_monkey

    Mock Trial

    Ahhh, the good old mock trial. Did it for two years, and I'll watch this years team (first trial is this Thursday). Being a witness kinda sucked though, because our team lost EVERY round. But, when I was second barrister in the second year, it all turned around and we one three and very closly...
  2. banana_monkey

    Abbotsleigh leadership meeting?

    I was just wondering if anyone from Abbotsleigh, or any other school for that matter, has any idea about some upcoming leadership meeting their apparently meant to be having soon. My school recieved an invite, but they haven't replied yet I'd prefer to get info directly instead of having to get...
  3. banana_monkey

    game mag's

    I stopped buying gaming mags about a year and a half ago. They just sucked ass when it came to getting the information quickly. Stuff I saw in Hyper was like, news 2 months ago. And since gamefaqs has way better guides than most mags, which used to be their main attraction apart from news...
  4. banana_monkey


    Sifn't. Though, it'd be more manly to measure yourself with a friend, then compare sizes. Then ask Dolly Doctor why your man meat didn't match up to your friends love muscle. Sad thing is, someone actually did that. *shudders*
  5. banana_monkey

    hornier sex????

    I don't really think rape has to do with how horny you are. It's more of a power thing. I mean, if you were that horny, you'd either stay at home and masturbate constantly, or buy a sex doll. I doubt you'll find a rapist who honestly admits that he raped someone because he couldn't control his...
  6. banana_monkey


    You people scare me. Why can't you all talk about something not ripped straight out of Dolly Doctor? I mean, damm, this sub forums got all the usual Dolly Doctor traits :insest, size, toys etc. Now excuse me while I finish watching my midget pRon. You sicko's.
  7. banana_monkey

    class of 05 how did your first assessment go?

    Hmmmm, I got 10/10 for the speech we had to do on any criminal case in NSW. I picked a crazy guy. I'd say my speech was fairly medicore, but the teacher said since it covered everything, it got 10/10. I spoke decently as well, due to my professional mock trial experiance ;-). I love teachers...
  8. banana_monkey

    hehe, I have a crush on a male check out chick

    Not professional? So, what, if you're a work-a-holic I suppose you're just meant to wither and die since it's just not professional to go out with another work-a-holic at your place of employment. While you're at it, why don't you cancel all office christmas parties, and perhaps fire people if...
  9. banana_monkey

    Home Schooling

    I'd say all three. And Damnation, it's latter, not later. KTHNXBAI ^____________________^
  10. banana_monkey

    Home Schooling

    Sure, I've got a comment to add. There's an absolute nutball at my work who does homeschool. He talks to walls and likes to break things and deny doing it. He also happens to spend no less than 45 minutes in the toilet each time he goes. Most of the food he cooks burns because of this. Yes...
  11. banana_monkey

    Age Difference

    You flatter yourself :-P. I only check people's profiles to see when they graduate and their UAI. Besides, why would you post your details up if you thought people would use them to stalk you?
  12. banana_monkey

    Age Difference

    Wouldn't he only be 15, considering you were born in 87', making you still 17 years old?
  13. banana_monkey

    Age Difference

    Sif you wouldn't go for the older women. Well, maybe not extreme, but anything around like 5 years older or younger isn't too bad. After that though, it gets a bit weird. Being the goddamm stud that I am, my girlfriend happens to be almost a two full years older than me, and I often forget she's...
  14. banana_monkey

    What is the meaning of life?

    Since using language limits you from truly expressing what you mean, isn't it pointless to bother trying to prove anything in the first place, since it's theorectically impossible in the first place? Structuralism is god. Solution to the problem: Acts of extreme deviency I heard it's been...
  15. banana_monkey

    Deteriorated Relationship Between Men and Women? I thought this was a rarther interesting article about the current state of man/women relationships. It's all about why the nice guy now finishes last. A good read for anyone who doesn't understand all those nutty girls out there...
  16. banana_monkey

    Halo and Zelda:OOT

    Sif it isn't Majora's mask over Ocarina of Time. OOT was just way too easy. Majora's mask was harder in almost every way, puzzles, enemies etc. Didn't really like Wind Waker. Back to the whole "easy as hell" gameplay. Fun though. All I have to say about both Halo's is that they suck ass...
  17. banana_monkey

    Naughtiest place you've done the deed...

    I heard disabled toilets are the best. They've got the most room apparently. Just avoid Lunar park toilets. I was in the corridor and they smelt quite strongly. Avoid fast food toilets as well. Chances are, someone has smeared poo/crapped everywhere.*shudder* On the subject of how disgusting...
  18. banana_monkey

    whats PDHPE about?

    I'm pretty sure this year we're doing sports medicine and improving performance, so it should be enjoyable. But, Australia's health was just pretty lame really. Medicare bit was informative though. The year 11 cores just seemed more fun. I don't remember what options we did for year 11. I know...
  19. banana_monkey

    whats PDHPE about?

    PDHPE is a subject filled with zany buzz words and phrases about some crazy left wing stuff regarding something about "social justice" or something like that. Personally, I'm looking forward to Core 2 much more than how droll core 1 was this year. Is it just me, or did the year 11 work seem just...
  20. banana_monkey

    How do you get sb to fall in love with you?

    Or perhaps, she could buy this book?