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  1. J

    Band 6 Cut Offs

    Yeah but this years' papers were prolly easier overall than last years. Im pretty sure a lot of people wouldve been thrown off by the 20 mark creative and the other modules werent too kind in 2020, well compared to this year's anyway lol
  2. J

    Maths Ext 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    Hey 1. relax. 2. if youre feeling really unprepared, just look through trial papers, doesnt even matter if you solve them. or not, if you can formulate an approach fntastic, if you cant look at the answers. you can do it !! :)
  3. J

    Band 6 Cut Offs

    I reckon itd be higher this year than 2020, and especially 2019. Paper 1 was quite significantly easier relative to them, especially with the unseens, and the common mod question was pretty open and basic (very different to the narrowed ones from 2019, bruh the crucible love one was fkn curly)...
  4. J

    Band 6 Cut Offs

    I reckon itd be good to have a collated thing for band 6 cut offs. So here goes. What do yall reckon b6 cut offs are gonna be for economics and english advanced? (cuz these exams have been done so far, obviously, so we'd have a good gauge of difficulty).
  5. J

    Maths Ext 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    84% of people get E3 or above, and even still if you were to just scrape an E3 in extension 2 with an hsc mark of 70 (thats like a raw mark of 60), that will scale to ≈38 per unit. A scaled 38 per unit of an 70 HSC mark extension 2, is equivalent to the following HSC marks for other subjects...
  6. J

    another internal mark question

    If say i was to be very close to 1st place in terms of internal marks. but externally kinda bummed out, and 1st went on to get a mid 90s would my rank see me like 'scabbing' marks from other people? So say this happens. Internal I get submitted 92, 1st is at 94. Externally, I get 86 and am...
  7. J

    What determines Band 6 / E4?

    You sure can. A friend of mine managed to get like 91 that way. Exam mark of 89, and internal moderated of 93, which is how they managed to get an E4.
  8. J

    Maths Ext 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    Bold assumption to make i must say, regardless of it being correct. If you think hard enough cos(x)cos(2x) does indeed become cos(3x).....maths is just beautiful 😍
  9. J

    HSC English Marking

    Oh shit, i've been going very objective, mathematical and 'critical' of in my mod b responses, personal voices in essays just sounds shit ugh
  10. J

    Maths Ext 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    wait.....youre telling me it doesnt !?!?!?!? 😳
  11. J

    Maths Ext 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    aka...*Vishnay gets raw 96*
  12. J

    HSC English Marking

    Do you reckon they mark english more leniently in the hsc than they do at school? I was told by my teacher not to stress too much about one of my assessment essays because "its an 18 here, but i would likely say that its a 20 in the hsc, maybe a 19 if they were harsh on you"
  13. J

    Maths Ext 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    lets goooooooooooooo!!! perfect. lets just hope that x2 is not a shitfest really
  14. J

    Maths Ext 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    My school let me run rampant this year, so tbh it really doesnt matter, im just gassed that if i do indeed fuck up then i dont have too much to 'redo' next year innit. I'll post all my marks on how i went this year just for you xx or ill just like PM you maybe lol. maybe even make a thread to...
  15. J

    Maths Ext 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    🧢 You got 49/50 last year didnt you Vishnay....but it wasnt good enough for you, so you're back wishing for vengeance...or maybe you just enjoy x1 who knows. Lol tbh, i fkn hate x2 but x1 on the other hand is a pleasant surprise, absolutely love it. Out here coppin like shitty raw mid-70s low...
  16. J

    Maths Ext 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    What do yall reckon a raw 70 would go to? rawmarks says 65 goes to 79, so i'm guessing like 84 surely
  17. J

    Will I ever find love?

    Oh man. Yeah BOS aint it champ. With that said, watch Jordan Shanks 'self-help' vids, (they sound demoralising but they are lovely), lift a bit, read a bit, get a dog lol, learn to cook meals, and dont feel sorry for yourself. I'm sure you have a lot to offer, so just accentuate that and it...
  18. J

    Maths Ext 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    My prediction is that i'm getting 50 raw 😍
  19. J

    Economics HSC Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    just need to complete the course, you can absolutely shit out on the hsc but as long as youve attempted the 4th subject, theres nothing stopping you from just doing x2 math,, x2 eng and a 2u subject