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  1. J

    Economics HSC Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    Hey guys, we can't change answers now, can we? Its in the hands of the higher ups at the economics marking. Poopy question :\
  2. J

    Best scaling subjects?

    Nope. WSU and JMP have thresholds that you have to meet to get an offer. So a student who gets 99.95 and a 94 are the same in both of those programs' eyes. The process for selection works as such for both of those programs: 1. Sit ucat and get score 2. Sit tight until interview invites come...
  3. J

    Best scaling subjects?

    Nah thats for people who enjoy heaps of math, but i guess you cant go wrong with it if you do enjoy math. Don't get me wrong, that combo must be a reason why its a trusted classic lol An alternative imo would be 3U Maths, English Advanced, Chemistry, Economics, Biology/Physics.. The amount of...
  4. J

    how many hours of study

    If you can do 8 hours productive every day, then you have to state rank in all of your subjects, no questions asked. Unless you mean 8 hours, of which 2 hours is productive. In which case, thats a comfortable 99 atar.
  5. J

    How much time did everyone spend listening to music this year?

    I had 1068 minutes lol
  6. J

    Looking to go maths tutoring - Talent 100, Dr Du or Mr Ye?

    Dr Pender is not only a gentleman, but a true scholar. His books = 😍
  7. J

    NSW teachers proposing a strike on the 7th of December

    Its just 1 day no? Surely if you stay home, its a free grind study day ! :D
  8. J


    You go to a good school. It should be fine. If you do as idkkid says, phys, chem, 4u, eng adv (or maybe even extra bio), then being top 10 in everything should be good enough. You'll most likely need to know the course content fully a fair few weeks before trials (5 weeks i'd say). And from that...
  9. J

    English Ext 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    Lol same, i reckon cheeky 23/25 for section 1 critical, but like a 17/25 for section 2 at best lol. Lets just hope 40/50 raw goes to e4 🥲
  10. J

    English Ext 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    Ext eng scales like a charm, im sure itll be fine xx
  11. J

    English Ext 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    Ahaha i think it went quite well, section 1 that is. Section i think im capped at 18/25 lol
  12. J

    English Ext 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    I loved literary worlds, that thing was so rich in quotes and themes :\
  13. J

    Chemistry Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    B6 is indeed 82 it seems then
  14. J

    Chemistry Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    Anyone know if we get butchered for using pencil for m/c ?
  15. J

    Chemistry Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    Theres no way that's reliable from 2011 bruh. Youre telling me b6 cutoff then was wot, 60???
  16. J

    Chemistry Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    Well all of the harder questions were calcs so that might be where my bias lies
  17. J

    NSW teachers proposing a strike on the 7th of December

    If you want a proper system, then incentivise the best students to go into teaching. (and politics actually). There no point having deadweights with minimum atar requirements of like 50 to get in to positions which innately have a HUGE impact on shaping the next generation. This is also, not to...
  18. J

    Chemistry Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    It was hard, i dont think it was much harder than last year though, and last years cut off was 80/81, so i assume itll stay the same. Then again, it was on here that someone said that people tend to overestimate their marks, and science markers are really picky with things too so i wouldnt be...
  19. J

    Chemistry Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    prolly the same as last year yeah, 80/81 raw for b6