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  1. Scissors

    How much sleep do we need?

    i only have a few hours sleep/night
  2. Scissors

    Italian Fritzl

    they're father and son. the attractive gene runs in the family.
  3. Scissors

    Italian Fritzl

    there you go. :)
  4. Scissors

    Italian Fritzl

    why do you shudder?
  5. Scissors

    People with Opposite-Sex Siblings: Question

    seriously, it's so uncomfortable reading this thread.
  6. Scissors

    Damn! I forgot about Earth Hour.

    exactly. i didn't either.
  7. Scissors

    Damn! I forgot about Earth Hour.

    you're arab. we don't participate in these sorts of events.
  8. Scissors

    Damn! I forgot about Earth Hour.

    i don't think you did.
  9. Scissors

    Damn! I forgot about Earth Hour.

    i didn't forget about it. but i didn't participate either.
  10. Scissors

    Marcus Einfeld

    haha, i read that as well. he asked for a masseuse to get rid of the knots in his back.
  11. Scissors

    Does God exist?

  12. Scissors

    'White, blue-eyed bankers brought world economy to its knees': Brazillian President

    Re: 'White, blue-eyed bankers brought world economy to its knees': Brazillian Preside same shit. they all fall under the umbrella term "bankers".
  13. Scissors

    Doing honours/masters or PHD

    oh sorry, i didn't read that correctly. i thought that said "get a phd and you will be laughed at".