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  1. Scissors


    do you have brothers?
  2. Scissors

    IS this rong ?

    i thought it was funny
  3. Scissors

    IS this rong ?

    those muslims are the worst
  4. Scissors

    IS this rong ?

    he is. i guarantee it.
  5. Scissors


    this is actually good advice. surprising.
  6. Scissors

    IS this rong ?

    ruby, men are disgusting animals. you don't know 1/100th of what he's thinking.
  7. Scissors

    IS this rong ?

    it's an act. no but seriously, i'm a man. i know this shit.
  8. Scissors

    IS this rong ?

    he doesn't want the baggage of a relationship, but he does want your vag. simple really. at least in my mind.
  9. Scissors

    IS this rong ?

    me 2!! ;););)
  10. Scissors

    IS this rong ?

    let me help you back up. ;););)
  11. Scissors

    IS this rong ?

    just touch his dick.
  12. Scissors

    IS this rong ?

    at least give him a handjob.
  13. Scissors

    IS this rong ?

    just give the poor guy a blowjob.
  14. Scissors

    Anyone here do strength training?

    tbh, i kinda agree. 57.5 kg dumbell press isn't that extraordinary. it's good, but nothing amazing. that's like benching 115 kg using a barbell.
  15. Scissors

    Letting a guy know

    wait, so like have you ever spoken to this guy?
  16. Scissors

    Do you Floss everyday?

    i don't think i've ever flossed in my life.
  17. Scissors

    The legitimacy of depression as an illness.

    fixed. thanks comrade.
  18. Scissors

    The legitimacy of depression as an illness.

    Iron, do you actually believe in half the shit that you spout?