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  1. Scissors

    The problem of outlaw bikies

    Re: Fuckin' bikies! but we shouldn't punish a group of people for the actions of their peers.
  2. Scissors

    The problem of outlaw bikies

    Re: Fuckin' bikies! from their jackets!
  3. Scissors

    The problem of outlaw bikies

    Re: Fuckin' bikies! we can tax their bikes!
  4. Scissors

    The problem of outlaw bikies

    Re: Fuckin' bikies! i reckon this is a valied ncap thread.
  5. Scissors

    The problem of outlaw bikies

    Re: Fuckin' bikies! how to stop them huh? maybe by outlawing them, but then that's an infringment of our civil liberties.
  6. Scissors

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    I reckon I could take him if push comes to shove.
  7. Scissors

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    whatever man, we're both aussie. it's all good.
  8. Scissors

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    oh wow, you learn something new every day.
  9. Scissors

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    Well, I'm an Australian of Lebanese/Palestinian extraction, but I consider myself Australian since I was born here. Just because I look different to you, doesn't mean I'm not Australian. I'm just as Australian as Mark the Bogan who lives down my road.
  10. Scissors

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    late night. banx. hoytz cinemaz. u bring ur boyz, i bring mine. orite?!
  11. Scissors

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    mad comeback. you really got him there!
  12. Scissors

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    Which is why I'm not claiming any such thing you fucking imbecile.
  13. Scissors

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    You see, there's these things called 'sources'. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of them. And what evidence do you have to support your claim that Arabs are causing most of the trouble in Australia and the world?
  14. Scissors

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    but doeznt u noe dat i could rite fings on wikipediazz?
  15. Scissors

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    Which facts are we referring to here dawg?
  16. Scissors

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    Well, they're Australian. No such thing as "Arab Australian".
  17. Scissors

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    Apparently, 95% of statistics are made up. Don't know though. Seriously dude, you're wrong. Be a man about it and admit it.
  18. Scissors

    lost a number how to get it back

    ahaha, barney stinson.