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  1. Scissors

    are you down with a hairy chest on yo man, or ain't you down with hairy chest?

    i know the poll is flawed, but fuck it, i don't give a fuck i can do whatever i like
  2. Scissors

    are you down with a hairy chest on yo man, or ain't you down with hairy chest?

    opinions seem to be divided on this.
  3. Scissors

    Is anybody going Deaf from their ipods or Mp3 players

    i've got black-man hearing
  4. Scissors

    make up sex

    have you ever done anal?
  5. Scissors

    make up sex

    bro just a few days ago you were bragging about being a slut
  6. Scissors

    A little date game .... wink, wink, nudge, nudge

    Frodo. Sasha Obama, or Malia Obama.
  7. Scissors

    Reasons for racism.

    no, i know what you mean: your surroundings influence you. my point still stands though
  8. Scissors

    Whats 'hot' for you?

  9. Scissors

    A little date game .... wink, wink, nudge, nudge

    hillary clinton or condeleeza rice
  10. Scissors

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    i'll do it in 2
  11. Scissors

    Reasons for racism.

    your mum is pretty horrible if she pushes racist ideals onto you.
  12. Scissors

    A little date game .... wink, wink, nudge, nudge

    i haven't seen either one of them xtina post pics
  13. Scissors

    ahahaa, thanks for the link man. hilarious shit

    ahahaa, thanks for the link man. hilarious shit
  14. Scissors

    Things that annoy you.

    Getting my period when my boyfriend wants to have sex.
  15. Scissors

    72-year-old pregnant to her grandson

    mine is dead, so like it's impossible
  16. Scissors

    72-year-old pregnant to her grandson

    as if you wouldn't fuck your grandma if the opportunity arose
  17. Scissors

    72-year-old pregnant to her grandson

    good for them: age is only a number. i hope it works outs. oh fuck, that's his grandma
  18. Scissors

    Reasons for racism.

    where are you from?
  19. Scissors

    Most Beautiful Women

    tanya zaetta
  20. Scissors

    Parra vs. Doggies

    it couldn't be!