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  1. Scissors

    Conspiracy against small feet?

    can i lick your toes?
  2. Scissors

    Things that annoy you.

    thank you gay man He's far smarter than you, thongetsu, since he's been able to exploit a market to his complete advantage.
  3. Scissors

    Things that annoy you.

    oh yes, because it takes amazing intellect to decide you don't like something
  4. Scissors

    Things that annoy you.

    why do you care? he's making more money than you
  5. Scissors

    Things that annoy you.

    it annoys me how everyone seems to be jumping on the justin beiber hate bandwagon.
  6. Scissors

    Should we move towards banning smoking

    my god pman now wants to regulate body odour as well
  7. Scissors

    Should we move towards banning smoking

    pman, you also have the right to stay home if you don't like being outside and breathing in 'harmful air'
  8. Scissors

    i know you're too stupid to recognise an insult when it's dealt to you, but please cooperate.

    i know you're too stupid to recognise an insult when it's dealt to you, but please cooperate.
  9. Scissors

    i really dislike you and think you're a deplorable person.

    i really dislike you and think you're a deplorable person.
  10. Scissors

    Rudd will lose this election

    hai dun teese me i got problam
  11. Scissors

    Rudd will lose this election

    bro rudd's got this shit
  12. Scissors

    September 11

    Re: Official: September 11 no, i'm kidding saddam doesn't have a dog because they're dirty animal
  13. Scissors

    September 11

    Re: Official: September 11 pay attention you stupid bitch. the number 2 it all leads back to the number two and do you know what age saddam's dog is? yeah, that's right, 2
  14. Scissors

    September 11

    Re: Official: September 11 definitely a hoax. i mean, think about it: osama bin laden's name: 13 letters twin towers = 2 13-2 = 11 it was the 11th day of the 9th month that the attacks were committed. 11-9 = 2 it all leads back to the same thing and people still argue
  15. Scissors

    Is anybody going Deaf from their ipods or Mp3 players

    i need ones that are compatible with a nokia phone
  16. Scissors

    Is anybody going Deaf from their ipods or Mp3 players

    bro it's faulty and used. what do you take me for?
  17. Scissors

    Is anybody going Deaf from their ipods or Mp3 players

    what's the catch, woman?
  18. Scissors

    Is anybody going Deaf from their ipods or Mp3 players

    bro i use my nokia phone to listen to music i aint got no ipod
  19. Scissors

    Is anybody going Deaf from their ipods or Mp3 players

    fucking rub it in you rich cunt
  20. Scissors

    Is anybody going Deaf from their ipods or Mp3 players

    my headphones are broken; they stay on maximum valoume and i can't afford new ones :( bos fund for the purchase of new speakers for adam BFFFTPONSFA (pronounced: befffft-pons-fa)