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  1. Scissors

    I cant change my avatar or profile pic

    i had a friend called patrick wang who looked just like that
  2. Scissors

    Things that annoy you.

    fast ed from better homes and gardens
  3. Scissors

    What have you eaten today?

    i ate so much meat today. like a small goat's worth
  4. Scissors

    I cant change my avatar or profile pic

    what's your beef with khalid sheikh mohammed?
  5. Scissors

    dark hair n dark eyes

    i've got dark rapist eyes. perfection
  6. Scissors

    Wedding Dresses

    i still boil water on a stove
  7. Scissors

    When Townie rapes your arsehole, what goes through your mind?

    When Townie rapes your arsehole, what goes through your mind?
  8. Scissors

    Wedding Dresses

    Why are wedding dresses white? To match a bride's kitchen appliances. HI-5!!!
  9. Scissors

    How much money do you spent on clothes every month?

    ahahahahahaha oh my god
  10. Scissors

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    i heard you're like a total minga. true/untrue?
  11. Scissors

    star signs

    That's because you're stupid.
  12. Scissors

    star signs

    That's because you're a pussy.
  13. Scissors

    star signs

    i once had this girl tell me that i'm an absolute moron for not believing in star signs, since everything she's read about her star sign has come true for her. i told her to fuck off :D HI-5!!!
  14. Scissors

    September 11

    Re: Official: September 11 it's a gun. way to ruin the joke
  15. Scissors

    Year 12 Muck Up Day Ideas

    Go buy some chains and locks from your local Bunnings, lock your school gates and throw away the keys.
  16. Scissors

    September 11

    Re: Official: September 11 Lol, you crack me up, Ibrahim.
  17. Scissors

    September 11

    Re: Official: September 11 you say that, but really you're preparing your kalashnikov, aren't you?
  18. Scissors

    September 11

    Re: Official: September 11 That's the definition of 'antisemite'.
  19. Scissors

    What toothpaste do you use?

    I use a miswak stick.