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  1. kashkow

    Final ATAR Estimate (Post Trial)

    97.85 LOL at legal, reminds me of my business trials which was the HSC 2015 exam... I wonder how I did for that task. :)
  2. kashkow

    Subject selection tommorow

    Do whatever seems most interesting to you out of your remaining subject choices.
  3. kashkow

    How should you prepare for the English Advanced/Standard HSC?

    Wow, you legend! Thanks for this informative guide :)
  4. kashkow

    Physics please help!!!

    Oh, makes sense now. Cheers
  5. kashkow

    Physics please help!!!

    Yeah ok, that is what I was thinking... I feel like this question is vague for not indicating the reference frame; because the answer depends on what reference frame is used (especially since B is there). Is it expected in HSC physics to use the reference point as the sun or some other point in...
  6. kashkow

    Physics please help!!!

    Well, relative to the planet, the speed does not change. ie. It will approach the planet at x, swing around and leave the planet at x speed in a new direction (thus speed is same but velocity changes). It is only because the planet is moving relative to the sun that the probe's speed increases...
  7. kashkow

    Physics please help!!!

    Hi guys, Can someone explain why the answer is C? Is the HSC answers wrong or am I just missing something of the slingshot effect? :spin: Like I thought velocity changes but speed of the satellite remains constant in this process... (This q is a multiple choice q from...
  8. kashkow

    Anyone here go to NSBHS?

    nah it's generally in buildings. j/k
  9. kashkow

    Prelim Physics Thread

    Bruh, pretty much none of these "topics" are actually carried over; There are a few concepts you need to know, but not whole topics or even whole parts of topics (with perhaps one exception; electromagnetism)... However, if you are working with the jacaranda textbook it covers, in review, pretty...
  10. kashkow

    Gravitational potential energy (GPE)

    Ahhh I think I got it now! Yeah, I can see where I messed up; Basically all the answers given are a "mathematical" answer where it means: A) Q > P B) Q =2P C) Q =3P D) Q < P In terms of GPE. This means that B, C and D are wrong because if we applied mathematically above it would not be right...
  11. kashkow

    Gravitational potential energy (GPE)

    Cheers, Integrand; that is the correct answer. So that sorta indicates that it must be me thats wrong and not the answers/question. However I did B so I'm just wondering if/where my thought process must be wrong. (I knew this was a correct answer, just didn't think it was the "Best answer"...
  12. kashkow

    Gravitational potential energy (GPE)

    I need some help with a GPE question that I got wrong in my MCQ for trials. Basically the gist of it was two identical satellites, P and Q, orbit a planet mass M at heights R and 2R respectively. Which statement about GPE is correct: A) Q has greater Ep than P B) Q has twice Ep than P C) Q...
  13. kashkow

    Can I still get a band 5 in Chem? (post trails)

    Hi there Mr. Fizzy_Cyst, I've got an inquiry on what this means? I'm pretty sure I've heard this term used before when talking about chem and phys HSC marking but I'm not really sure what it means. Don't they have to follow the marking rubric that they are given when marking the papers? I...
  14. kashkow

    Screwed after trials?

    Depends on what your ranks are. It may have been a very hard test or marking for those subjects.
  15. kashkow

    Differentiation Question

    LOL I don't know how xD well true, I could've copied it from you, but it looked so confusing and it doesn't really need it as it's clear enough (just basic sins, and equations, no powers) :P (plus it is/was a little different to what you wrote - originally i didn't have d/dx and the order of the...
  16. kashkow

    Differentiation Question

    Pretty sure you can write it straight away but I'd ask your teacher (you may need to write the formula in certain cases, like if you are learning it). That is a good way to think of it and OP I would recommend learning this word way of learning it to help you know when/how to apply...
  17. kashkow

    Question regarding past papers

    Remember, understanding is more important than the past paper. If you already know the exact answer to a question back to front, you don't need to do the question! If you are not too sure, maybe give it a go or do dot points to refresh your memory of things. If you have no idea or are really...
  18. kashkow

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I've finished Trials!!! :D