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  1. kashkow


    What is it? I've never heard of this before in 3U. Can somebody plz teach me/link me a resource to learn it? :hammer: :read:
  2. kashkow

    Does God exist?

    True indeed, but my reply was mainly aimed towards braintic (or other atheists) who doesn't believe in God altogether, so his/her conclusion on Jesus basically implied that he/she doesn't believe in God's existence. ie. they concluded Jesus was delusional; this meant that a) they don't believe...
  3. kashkow

    Does God exist?

    And what proof do you have to support your conclusion?? If you conclude that Jesus was wrong or delusional, then you are basically saying that God does not exist, but what support do you have for this claim? So far it seems like you have been trying to tear down all of Dan's proofs and have...
  4. kashkow

    Eddy currents in magnetic fields

    Hey guys, :wavey: Just wanted to post a few questions about eddy currents to clarify a few things. For ones where there is a circular conductor loop in an external magnetic field and direction needs to be found how would you do this? Also for a sheet of metal moving in an external magnetic...
  5. kashkow

    Multiple Choice question 4 from 2013 hsc

    If I'm not mistaken the answer is A. Moments are the turning action or torque, I believe, acting on a point. So moments around the pivot are found by finding Force times perpendicular distance. M(around pivot - anticlockwise positive) = 200Ncos(30) * 0.15m - 200Nsin(30) *0.05m...
  6. kashkow

    2016 Engineering Studies

    Hey there, I'm doing ES HSC this year (see sig)! It's fun, but also hard at times, especially in prep for exams. Good luck to anyone else out there who's doing it!
  7. kashkow

    Could someone read my work.

    I'll read your work, what is it (creative, essay,...)?
  8. kashkow

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    hahaha tbh tho, content is more important than word count so I wouldn't be too worried about it; probably ~1200 seeing how others say allow around 1000 words for 40 minutes. Then again, it depends though on how fast you can write. I personally don't think I could write that fast (unless I...
  9. kashkow

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Long enough to have a beginning, middle and end.
  10. kashkow

    When does trials start at your school?

    Our trials start in week 5 of term 3... They are in the week beginning with 15th August. School rank is somewhere in the high 400's I think... What point are you trying to make to your year advisor?
  11. kashkow

    Question on the BOS Syllabus

    Who knows, now that they have the reference sheet, they may start to ask for more proofs in exams?? Does anyone think that this may be the case? I didn't realise this was in the syllabus, so thanks for bringing it up.
  12. kashkow

    Abbreviations In Circle Geometry

    I'm not exactly sure on what is exactly "safe" to use in the HSC; I've always used abbreviations and symbols such as the angle symbol for angle, '∆' for 'triangle', the perpendicular symbol, '//' for 'parallel' and '//ogram' for 'parallelogram' (though not sure if this last one is standard or...
  13. kashkow

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    y=e^(-x^2) =1/(e^(x^2)) So when x is really large and positive or negative, y is going to be small As x approaches 0 from either side, x^2 will also approach 0 and e^(x^2) will approach 1 (and when x=0 y=1) Therefore max that y goes to is 1 Hope that makes sense
  14. kashkow

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Haha, thanks :) that makes me feel a lil better :haha:
  15. kashkow

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    yeah ... so I was trying to apply and looking forward to it... I called them up for my UAC pin last Wednesday... they told me haven't even sent them yet and wont till end of July... :/ felt so embarrassed... haha
  16. kashkow

    Physics Youtube channel

    Really nice videos!! they'll be really helpful for me (and others) doing physics in the HSC. Thanks! :D
  17. kashkow

    Where to find mechanics questions

    If you are talking about Engineering Studies there is: Introduction to Engineering Mechanics by Schlenker/McKern I have not bought this book but there have been extracts given to me by my teacher which seem to be loaded with heaps of good content in engineering mechanics (descriptions, sample...
  18. kashkow

    Multiple choice question 17 of 2014 past paper

    Awesome. thanks heaps!
  19. kashkow

    Multiple choice question 17 of 2014 past paper

    hey guys, can someone please help explain this answer to me? 17. The diagram shows an alpha particle and a proton, placed at equal distances from two large charged metal plates. [Diagram – the Alpha particle has 2 neutrons and 2 protons and the proton is a single proton.] Which of...