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  1. H

    What have you eaten today: Eating Disorder & Attention Whore edition

    at least you're not as fat as muhahahahaha judging by her eating habits i'd say she's a solid 27
  2. H

    yep read 3 pages back for some more creepy fun

    yep read 3 pages back for some more creepy fun
  3. H


  4. H that was what i was going to send before the dislike button fiasco
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    What have you eaten today: Eating Disorder & Attention Whore edition

    carbs they are the best of times they are the blurst of times
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    What have you eaten today: Eating Disorder & Attention Whore edition

    who's arguing ?? i made you a thread and this is how you respond well i never
  7. H

    What have you eaten today: Eating Disorder & Attention Whore edition

    today at work i ate some white bread time to start dieting =(
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    What have you eaten today: Eating Disorder & Attention Whore edition

    what have you eaten today, now with 80% more mental disorder!!! dedicated to muhahahahaha soldier on thread rules: you must end each post with one or more of the following: - time to start dieting =( - god i'm fat - need to start exercising - what have i done - how long would it take on a...
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    What have you eaten today?

    your perceptions are warped
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    What have you eaten today?

    yes it is
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    What have you eaten today?

    this is not an eating disorder attn whore thread lady
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    What have you eaten today?

    gd 4 u
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    What have you eaten today?

    2 weetbix w/soy milk 8 squares of chocolate lol fantastic start
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    Indie/Folk Music

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    A "good" WAM

    85+ or jump in front of a train
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    Indie/Folk Music

    josh pyke is awful
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    Likes/Dislikes about UNSW

    nobody will care stop caring kill yourself