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  1. :: ck ::

    Interview rejection

    lol ive been rejected by sanity before... basically didnt hear from them after the interview XD apparantly it was coz i said "i luv music thats why i wanna work at sanity" ... then stragiht after i said that the lady goes "dont say u luv music coz we all love it... try something more...
  2. :: ck ::

    Attention Mentors/Mentor Leaders of 2006

    if its free, im in :D
  3. :: ck ::

    Macquarie Lifestyle

    so jimmy, where'd you get that from ;)
  4. :: ck ::

    OMG - Best Macquarie SMH article EVER!

    hahaha i think this was advertised in one of the glp emails
  5. :: ck ::

    Macquarie Lifestyle

    you do get discount.. thats why they ask for your sam card
  6. :: ck ::

    how many hours do you work per month?

    52hrs/month durin full time uni 120/month during holiday break
  7. :: ck ::

    anyone do any of these or know n e one that does these?

    elements is a joke.. get the notes off someone who did it before so u dont have to go and waste an hour everyweek to fill in the gaps acst101 is the best course ever =D (only sayin this coz i spent the least time on it and got a D lol)
  8. :: ck ::

    Macquarie Lifestyle

    yep it sux.. mygod the roast was so good =( far out.. and i ordered wonton noodles... friken they don even make it themselves they got it from a supermarket packet (i saw them take it outta the fridge) GRRRR... we should like start a protest... roasttttt
  9. :: ck ::

    Macquarie Lifestyle

    lol its fob... even friken upstairs is fob-alised BRING BACK THE ROAST!
  10. :: ck ::

    Macquarie Bank employees

    yea and are u full time student?
  11. :: ck ::

    accounting/finance salaries

    if you're talking investment banks, i really think it has to do with what division you're applying for...
  12. :: ck ::

    I had a BOS encounter!

    <3 "..." = first day of uni buying comp book off him! Asy = Jimmy intro'd me Supra = The sexy curry version of me ^^ he saw me on orientation day where i almost stacked it and every1 frign cracked up T_T sat next to him without knowing who he was until on msn he starts talkin abt some guy who...
  13. :: ck ::

    Macquarie Bank employees

    hey pungpui (and any other ppl doin uni + work at an IB) what kinda hours do u work?
  14. :: ck ::

    IMBG - The IMB Group

    say hi to me next time! i forgot what you look like =( i remmeber seein the 3 ecfs ppl at that stall haha... so yea it was prolli me when u looked at our stall =P
  15. :: ck ::

    accg253 tutorial...

    its up on webct check it out... no tutes in first wk~
  16. :: ck ::

    IMBG - The IMB Group

    lol... was i wearin work clothes? if not then it wasnt me... haha =P
  17. :: ck ::

    IMBG - The IMB Group

    haha i met ND today! i was workin in the stall next to them ;) might go for the premium tmrw if i can find the time =] abt time we had a investments club on campus! every other uni does
  18. :: ck ::

    curious: how does B Commerce at Macquarie fair?

    nothin wrong with bcomm at mq i do it and i have a part time job in the industry... =]
  19. :: ck ::


    dont think such a combination exists at mq unless ur at unsw and can somehow ask for 3 majors coz at unsw u can major in accg/acst if u wanted to (i have NO idea why you'd want to do such a combination...)
  20. :: ck ::

    IMBG - The IMB Group

    sounds good ND! good work.. look forward to seeing u guys on campus