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  1. :: ck ::

    need ur advice pplz !

    "exp" = especially or 'except' :p lol i havent done the fin subs but i reckon since you gotta be in uni for 4 years anyway (part 2's), might as well go for the double... unless you really want to have a masters o_O if u wanna do the dbl after first year its pretty easy to transfer internally...
  2. :: ck ::

    1st year Actuarial Studies 2006

    check the acst site from memory every1 does the same except law and comp ppl
  3. :: ck ::

    acst workload

    haha way less than hsc.. for me anyways... i prefer to have a life =) .. but i may live to regret all that bludging later in the future lol
  4. :: ck ::

    Study Abroad v Exchange?

    hey u do acst right? i rang up westcott he said he doesnt know of any students that have gone on exchange for the acst program (besides short courses for the electives) coz its not possible to get the exemptions but he told me to research nanyang (singapore) and some scottish one... forget the...
  5. :: ck ::

    Query about transferring(defecting) to Macq. Acst program.

    yeh apply thru uac and i think for CT7 you guys do ur macro/micro different to us (when i compare to my friends at unsw).. so im not sure if it will count.. talk to acst department if u need clarification coz im jus guessing
  6. :: ck ::

    Semester 2 2006 Books (Buy & Sell Thread) [p11 start]

    u 'lent' it to me for a price! and i asked u if i could give it to someone else and u said yes... i gave u his contact... so u sort it out with him .. stop complaining!
  7. :: ck ::

    Actuarial Studies + Law...worth it?

    agrred, unsw is beter... and its 5 yrs at unsw and 6 at mac apparnatly wen my friend chose acst/law it said 5 yrs in the uac book haha he got screwed over... 6 yrs at uni zzzzzzzz too long
  8. :: ck ::

    Semester 2 2006 Books (Buy & Sell Thread) [p11 start]

    "Crashoverride" has it i told u a million times ... not my problem anymore!!!! u sort it with him
  9. :: ck ::

    Distance issues check waht units ur doin first then u can see the times =]
  10. :: ck ::

    MBA - wat course??

    learnt what?
  11. :: ck ::

    acceptance of an offer

    macq u go there in person i heard unsw can be done online
  12. :: ck ::

    B Business at UTS or B Business Administration at MACQ?

    i think b business at uts is better... i heard its more practical (as with most of UTS degrees) and u can probably major in more stuff than BBA at macq...
  13. :: ck ::

    Work experience / internships

    someone gave me a link to the job application and i just applied through there ... not so much hardcore actuarial stuff it's more to do with simple unit pricing calculations in excel.. of our superannuation funds
  14. :: ck ::

    MBA - wat course??

    its post grad... best place to do it is at mgsm / macq uni i think u need at least 3yrs experience or something.. or at least a credit average in ur undergraduate studies.. something along those lines
  15. :: ck ::

    Work experience / internships

    yeah its possible... im in zurich financial services / life insurance atm and i just finished my first yr
  16. :: ck ::

    Actuarial Studies + Law...worth it?

    yep, law is very useful... glad someone shares my pt of view i think me and asylum had an argument over this before XD
  17. :: ck ::

    Ethnic orientation of students

    i dno i find macq more asian orientated (i occasionally visit usyd/unsw) but mayb thats coz of my course
  18. :: ck ::

    Actuarial Studies + Law...worth it?

    u can major in IB? o_O p.s adding to supra's comment, quantitative skills in acst/law is one advantage u have against lots of other com law ppls edit: o shit he said that nvm XD
  19. :: ck ::

    Actuarial Studies + Law...worth it?

    commerce / law... actuarial comes under commerce
  20. :: ck ::

    Actuarial Studies + Law...worth it?

    that's bullshit... it complements it very well.. 4th yr guy i talked to (workin part time at mq bank) said IB places love ppl studying combined law coz they can express themselves very well, are very logical and know how to do their research