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  1. :: ck ::

    micro mc test !!

    should we be using the study guide or should we be using the online testing stuff for practice? anyone who's done it before can u tell us if the study guide is useful for preparation?
  2. :: ck ::

    ECON111 Assignment

    someone's obviously ready to kill the micro test on thurs ;)
  3. :: ck ::

    micro mc test !!

    any past papers at eric??!?! arghhhhhhhhhh bloody micro
  4. :: ck ::

    micro mc test !!

    as in, cram it on wednesday silly ;)
  5. :: ck ::

    jervis bay?

    went there last yr, its not THAT good.. i guess its ok
  6. :: ck ::

    KPMG Vacation interview

    lol reminds me of somoene i met the other day who got a mac bank interview for summer work and he was only a first year at the time... got rejected in the interview straight after they found out he wasnt penultimate
  7. :: ck ::

    micro mc test !!

    is it crammable in one day (wednesday)???
  8. :: ck ::

    Price of food rising?

    hahaha ur henry?? recognised it when u said u won a scanner since its on ur msn ;) unlessssssss ur a diff person who also won a scanner
  9. :: ck ::

    Just in case you're curious about your professors...

    obv the money goes to researching and not the actual researchers -_-
  10. :: ck ::

    Need GENERAL math tutor.

    25/hr, pm if interested, band6 for 4u/3u, and ive taught 2u gen maths before
  11. :: ck ::

    Price of food rising?

    i thought roast was 5.10.. ur meant to show ur sam card.. apparnatly some prices went up some down.. thats what the lady todl me
  12. :: ck ::

    Is there anyone currently doing the GLP?

    haha... booked into same things as u sweet lemon... ;) will seem so stupid if i walk in going "ok whos sweet lemon from bored of studies"
  13. :: ck ::

    BAppFin (major in economics)...

    haha accg isnt boring to u?? wow... makes me sleep -____-"
  14. :: ck ::

    BAppFin (major in economics)...

    doesn matter if u havent done eco before... i never did eco i just did maths/science/eng and i do commerce
  15. :: ck ::

    BAppFin (major in economics)...

    wait can u major in economics in app fin?? i thought its just app fin
  16. :: ck ::

    Assignments for ACCG 105

    only the optional one is on there i think
  17. :: ck ::

    Is there anyone currently doing the GLP?

    i booked for 3 colloq this sem =p
  18. :: ck ::

    WEBCT 4 ECON111 is UP now!!!

    o man, online quizzes piss me off.. esp the macro one.. took so long to do =_=
  19. :: ck ::

    summer vacation prgrams

    man how do we claim points.. i got 10 so far but havent claimed it yet o.o
  20. :: ck ::

    Drop out rate?

    who gives a shit about hte drop out rate if u wanna do it, ull do it no matter what, because u find it interesting unless ur one of those ppl who are like "mmm i wouldnt mind making big bucks in the future, might as well go for it! if not ill jus go for law/med"