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  1. scuba_steve2121

    2013 Federal election

    Well unfortunetly the glory days of the Western World are at an end. So the likelyhood of immigrants being welcomed into this country to work and live is basically nill, as we (The West or the Global North whichever you prefer) continue to dig our own graves as we happily trode along the road to...
  2. scuba_steve2121

    2013 Federal election

    I don't see your point. Of course the Athenian Empire failed, every Empire will eventually fail for the usual list of reasons, and yea all empires are generally cunts about certain things, GUESS WHAT! THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU'RE AN EMPIRE!. You generally end up being a cunt. Foriegners...
  3. scuba_steve2121

    2013 Federal election

    Get rid of the entitlement system that we have encouraged, and suddenly open borders unless you're just xenophobic won't be an issue. This is proven all throughout history from early Australian history to the middle of the 20th century, proven in pre 20th century America and even in ancient...
  4. scuba_steve2121

    Are wages in Australia too high?

    There is no such thing as too low or high a wage, as the cost of labour is determined by market forces (Well in theory....). This of course doesn't apply to the idea of a minimum wage which by the virtue of its existence is always too high...
  5. scuba_steve2121

    Islam cartoon pulled from student newspaper website

    GUYS GUYS LOOK Another muslim apologetic!
  6. scuba_steve2121

    Islam cartoon pulled from student newspaper website

    TBH half the threads on this forum make me wish I had a lawyer on call :tongue:
  7. scuba_steve2121

    Islam cartoon pulled from student newspaper website

    Well derr. If it were up to me people would be able to publish and say whatever the fuck they want anywhere. However I do believe in private contract and property rights
  8. scuba_steve2121

    Islam cartoon pulled from student newspaper website

    point I was about to make. They agreed to that uni's code of conduct. if they were students who published something that wasn't a student newspaper (or whatever) then the uni has no say, but this wasn't the case.
  9. scuba_steve2121

    Islam cartoon pulled from student newspaper website

    private schools get public money yet their still private schools
  10. scuba_steve2121

    Islam cartoon pulled from student newspaper website

    The students who wrote this student newspaper, agreed to that uni's policy. If I went into an RSL and started handing out papers and started talking shit about the Anzacs, that RSL has every right to tell me to GTFO. However if it was outside that RSL on the street then it's fine. Get my point...
  11. scuba_steve2121

    Islam cartoon pulled from student newspaper website

    yes supposed to be in theory, doesn't work out in practice. but alas my point was missed. Gov shouldn't control speech, written or otherwise. However in this case it wasn't in the public arena.
  12. scuba_steve2121

    Islam cartoon pulled from student newspaper website

    so many posts I want to rep you for, but I haven't spread it around :(
  13. scuba_steve2121

    Sex Selection: Yes, No or Maybe?

    Doubt that it will but if it does, then maybe will have some Malthusian shit storm scenario that will put it all back to 50/50 or whatever.
  14. scuba_steve2121

    Islam cartoon pulled from student newspaper website

    Public private difference mate. Don't straw man me come on
  15. scuba_steve2121

    Sex Selection: Yes, No or Maybe?

    Not dense just trying to generate a discussion. I honestly think that it's not a problem. If there is no women around go migrate somewhere else. And if nobody wants you full stop, maybe there's a good reason for it. I can't get a girl now :( Might kill myself over it eventually, but that's...
  16. scuba_steve2121

    Islam cartoon pulled from student newspaper website

    Yes however it's being published through a student news paper that is subject to that university's code of conduct as outlined in the article above. I'm not defending the uni's decision to make them pull the thing because Muslim bashing is funny. What I'm saying is that is not a free speech...
  17. scuba_steve2121

    Sex Selection: Yes, No or Maybe?

    Already got those now...