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  1. L

    Is feminism evil?

    Some of my female friends believe very strongly in feminism and went to a bunch of lectures about it with a big-shot feminist who's name I cant remember. What I gather was the main point of these lectures was that women should not have to hold someones hand to achieve in this world, they should...
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    inequality question

    In part i you can't just test for 1 and say its an increasing function, as it may cross for 0<x<1. You could just show that the inequality holds for the limit as x approaches 0, or that that is when the equality is, then say it is an increasing function.
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    Worth of a University Degree?

    Employers don't keep employing until they run out of new graduates to employ, they employ as many as they need. Once they hit this mark, and the ratio of people in X job to the total population is stable the worth of employees wont be "lost" but will return to a value which more accurately...
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    Help with Year 11 Subject Choices - Chemistry or Biology?!

    Biology isn't a humanities subject. In year 12, if you want to get the highest conceivable atar with only medium effort (in comparison with the workload of something like modern history), your subjects should look like this: 3unit english (At least advanced) 4unit maths (A low mark in...
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    My perfect pokemon white team

    Looks like a water type physical wall could do some damage. Politoed could be the end of you. Chandelure is your only special sweeper and it could be ripped to shreds by something in rain. How would you deal with a stall team with something like a sub-gliscor?
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    HSC 2012 MX1 Marathon #2 (archive)

    Re: HSC 2012 Marathon :) no, can you add more terms. is the initial 1 part of the series.
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    Motion around curve track Help

    In my mind you just blew the smoke off the end of a revolver.
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    Synthetic division for divisor of any degree

    I think there is a stickied thread already in this forum regarding this topic.
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    Volume 2011 JRAHS Trial

    OKAY SO YOU GET THE INTEGRAL AS x(1-sinx) and bam integration by parts buddy!
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    Volume 2011 JRAHS Trial

    Okay, it does take a while to get your head around it but its easy enough once you do some doodling. I found the y value of the elipse for any value of x, ((4-x^2)^(1/2))/2 and the value of x for the corresponding point on the parabola mentioned in part i. Simply put, I found the corresponding...
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    Anyone have essay questions for Hamlet?

    I believe the trial question at my school last year was something along the lines of "through the analysis of Hamlets relationship with lesser characters, show how Shakespeare has explored the notion of power"
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    Highest Scaling Subjects (Not Maths) Simply put, maths is easily the best subject to do if you can do it and even if it takes up a large amount of study time a 90 in 3 unit corresponds to a 99+ atar. Extension english is the highest scaling non-maths subject and...
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    Motion around curve track Help

    it means the train moves on the flat. not on an angle.
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    Extension 2 so hard :(

    Great name choice, very confronting. As far as Question 7&8 go, just do them, then again, then read about maths on wikipedia.
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    Simple Harmonic Motion Fitzpatrick 3U Chapter 25(C) Q4(a)

    okay, at the initial time t=0. sub that into x=5sin(nt+e) where e is epsilon. solve for e and you get e=pi/2
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    Where as your intro is wordy, this isn't the problem that jumps out at me. Your grammar is a bit off , "juxtaposing the obscurity of American civilisation and the sense of unity in the Amish community" should be "juxtaposing the obscurity of American civilisation with the sense of unity in the...
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    Tough Integration question.

    Just one correction. The integral of cot(x)csc(x) dx is -cosec(x) not cot(x) right?
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    help with Integration, please!!

    The first one has an x in the numerator, I didn't see you cancel it or anything.
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    new draft senior national syllabuses

    I am just worried that people who are willing to be extended in mathematics, to very high levels, won't be able to nourish their intellectual hunger. One bad thing about this syllabus is the lack of a extension 1 course; I don't understand this move as I have friends who are very capable of...
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    Do you believe in God?

    Yes, I believe in Odin. The evidence for his existence is amazing! I have so much faith!