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  1. L

    BoS Poker League

    big2 for life!
  2. L

    BoS Poker League

    will be on soon, i suck at poker so lets lose some money. also yolo= you only live once
  3. L

    Maths at Uni

    Yeah but, like I said, distance isn't much of an issue as long as I can get home in a car on the weekends. I don't mind moving but I don't want to be separated by my family and/or friends by a plane trip or day in a car.
  4. L

    Maths at Uni

    I know this isn't necessarily the best place to post this thread but I know that there are a lot of people who study Maths at university that browse this forum and I believe this question applies to a lot of the people in this forum. Where is the best place to study mathematics at university...
  5. L

    HSC 2012-14 MX2 Integration Marathon (archive)

    Re: MX2 Integration Marathon Any one who saw what was hear just forget about that time i forget the difference between odd and even functions.
  6. L

    HSC 2012-14 MX2 Integration Marathon (archive)

    Re: MX2 Integration Marathon Same as you I presume, the last part says evaluate I5.
  7. L

    HSC 2012-14 MX2 Integration Marathon (archive)

    Re: MX2 Integration Marathon No limits makes it a toughy (n^{2}+1)I_{n} = e^{x}sin^{n}(x)-ne^{x}sin^{n-1}(x)cos(x) + n(n-1)I_{n-2}
  8. L

    Zeta (2) Function

    God I love taylor series. When I see a HSC question which uses the first few terms of sin(x) and Newton's method I'm like I SEE WHAT YOU DID THAR!
  9. L

    How do you feel about the HSC RIGHT NOW?

    So scared for the end of school, pretty sure im gonna be bawling like a baby in 6 weeks time.
  10. L

    The beliefs of BoSers...

    Secular Humanism (100%) Unitarian Universalism (94%) Liberal Quakers (80%) Nontheist (73%) Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (72%) Theravada Buddhism (68%) Neo-Pagan (64%) New Age (59%) Reform Judaism (59%) Taoism (55%) Mahayana Buddhism (48%) Scientology (48%) New Thought...
  11. L

    Hey seanieg! When you got 99 in four unit, was that a percentage or raw mark? So did you get...

    Hey seanieg! When you got 99 in four unit, was that a percentage or raw mark? So did you get 99/120 or like 119/120?
  12. L


    Okay so a king can move into any of the squares that it is surrounded by aka the surrounding 8 squares. Now we split the board into 4 parts, a six by six grid in the middle, the four corners and the remaining parts of the edges, which are each a row six squares long. For the six by six grid...
  13. L

    So the marks are going from 120 to 100

    My schools trial did feel quite lengthy... I guess. We hadn't done mechanics or harder 3unit but my teacher stuck it anyway. Question 16 (the last one) was tricky but doable, basically it felt like question 8 material. I ended up getting 91, which is pretty good all things considered. I am a bit...
  14. L

    Who should win the next election

    ALSO FAILURES IN MULTICUTURALISM WHAT? wow.... ignorance can be astounding.
  15. L

    Who should win the next election

    Bill Shorten would be great otherwise not abbot
  16. L

    The Area Under a Parabola.

    Yes, because simpsons rule uses parabolic segments it should work out.... I think.
  17. L

    Favourite Mathematical Symbol?

    ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß beta ftw
  18. L

    Australian Maths Competition 2012 Thoughts

    We havent done perms and combs yet let alone any of the probability in year 11 as my teacher hates it... so I was screwed in that department.
  19. L

    Australian Mathematics Competition 2012

    you just need to know everything about the number 2012, all its factors etc.
  20. L

    Is 4U really that hard

    I guess go for it but remember that it gets harder to drop the longer you do it as you miss out on more 2 unit exams, well at my school anyway.