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    does chem give carried error?

    yh so if there's a 3 marker calculation, you forget to square something you only lose one mark if the rest of calculation is right
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    does chem give carried error?

    for calculation questions
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    i’m so cringe (vent)

    Yeah I feel like I experienced (and still experience but to a lesser degree) this attachment. It was a lot more common for me during yr 11 (which you're in rn I assume) especially as yr 11 was a big jump from yr10, making me feel like the work I did mattered more. However, as yr 11 and yr 12...
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    condensation rxn of amine and carboxylic acid?

    Yh sure if possible that would be great 👍 Thanks!
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    condensation rxn of amine and carboxylic acid?

    Oh ok yeah, thank you!
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    internal stability

    Is this just unemployment and inflation (or also includes eco growth, distribution of Y and wealth, enviro) Thanks
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    Preparation for trials

    Oh ok thank you
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    Preparation for trials

    How are you guys studying for English
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    condensation rxn of amine and carboxylic acid?

    Oh ok, it doesn't specifically mention the combination of functional groups unlike esters (so I was confused) but thank you
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    condensation rxn of amine and carboxylic acid?

    A) found this question in a past paper (2021), i dont ever recall learning this (only ever recalled learning ester linkages), can someone please point out the syllabus dot point and if possible some resources where i can learn this Thanks
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    Risky business

    Glass falling off the bench and cutting skin, water spilled on floor (slipping), acid corrosive to skin, retort stand falling off bench hitting foot
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    making of soaps

    for the hsc, would it be necessary to know the production of soap (e.g. fatty acids + glycerol --> triglyceride etc.), and would we need to know in detail how to actually draw these molecules?
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    uni ranks

    Oh ok thank you!
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    uni ranks

    hi all, i've heard that some unis are better at others in particular faculties e.g. engineering unsw and uts are generally better. Are these rankings true? and where can I go to find the rankings of uni for all the diff types of faculties
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    i dont know what i wanna do in uni

    Oh ok, thank you so much for the advice and experience!
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    i dont know what i wanna do in uni

    Oh ok will look into it, thanks 👍
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    i dont know what i wanna do in uni

    Oh ok nice cheers
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    i dont know what i wanna do in uni

    👍Thanks Say I get a couple offers for uni and I end up choosing one to pursue for a couple of months next yr, am i able to shelf the rest and transfer whenever, or do I have to reject them