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  1. 0

    When do you work best?

    Yeah I am nothing special like you guys. 4:30 - 9 (PM). On weekends I find it impossible to study before 2pm, even if I've woken up at like just doesn't feel right.
  2. 0

    Australia: The Queen and the Republic Debate

    Australia Act, you spastic.
  3. 0

    Missionaries of Hate - a documentary on Uganda's anti-gay movement

    Yes, believe it or not, there are such a thing as facts, regardless of what your BA education will have you believe.
  4. 0

    IDF Flotilla Incident Official Thread

    Re: Jesus fucking Christ - IDF massacres Turks on board humanitarian ship I urge you to find me a soldier who doesn't carry a gun! OH SHIT PWNED BY LOGIC111 You are pathetic
  5. 0

    IDF Flotilla Incident Official Thread

    Re: Jesus fucking Christ - IDF massacres Turks on board humanitarian ship rofl. + 1
  6. 0

    IDF Flotilla Incident Official Thread

    Re: Jesus fucking Christ - IDF massacres Turks on board humanitarian ship OMG GUYZ WHO WULD BLOCKADE LIKE SRSZ? Egypt closed its borders to them ffs.
  7. 0

    IDF Flotilla Incident Official Thread

    Re: Jesus fucking Christ - IDF massacres Turks on board humanitarian ship LOL say that to the 'peaceful' citizens of Gaza. Hamas is a proper government rite.
  8. 0

    IDF Flotilla Incident Official Thread

    Re: Jesus fucking Christ - IDF massacres Turks on board humanitarian ship Israel offered to take the supplies over the land border but the retarded anti-Semitic activists refused, knowing it would cause further provocation. Activists shouldn't have been there. + they obviously attacked the...
  9. 0

    Half Yearly Reports

    Advanced English 10/55 Mathematics 3/39 Economics 1/16 Extension History 1/5 Modern History 4/16 IPT 2/14
  10. 0

    Half Yearly Reports

    Nice work :D
  11. 0

    Jessica Watson...

    Jessica Wat$on - Sailing into our pockets....I mean hearts, yeah...
  12. 0

    The McDonald's Thread

    OHHHHHHHHH DAMN! Supercalamari works at Broady? I go there all the time! Sorry for being a dick to you on the forums, don't spit in my burger! (Or coke for that matter since you work counter).
  13. 0

    United Kingdom Election 2010

    Great success.
  14. 0

    Tony Abbott - Do you want him as PM?

    Get skilled or gtfo.
  15. 0

    Budget 2010

    Delivering three budgets while your mate from high school holds your dick is hard? EDIT: Hard is kinda innuendo there :/ I mean difficult...
  16. 0

    United Kingdom Election 2010

    UKIP is civic nationalist but I guess the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
  17. 0

    Do we need a standing military?

    Look I think it's good you're thinking progressively and all that but the Muslim world isn't, so until then....
  18. 0

    Tony Abbott - Do you want him as PM?

    Guess Rudd is an economic conservative again come election time....