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  1. M-turkey

    Rules for Customers

    I reakon that is one of the most frustrating things about supermarket work. If its general groceries, and can be resold it doesnt really matter where you put it. But if you open it/ruin it, or if its meant to be refrigerated place it back where its not going to go warm. Customers, Use your...
  2. M-turkey

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 It depends on the store. Some places will just have food or something. But there is a store here in Canberra that organised a small train ride, which included getting the book. People dress up and stuff, so I spose its more interesting...
  3. M-turkey

    Rules for Customers

    lol, whenever I say "I'll go see whats out the back" what I really mean is "I'm gonna go out the back, have a drink, kick some shit around and come back and tell you I couldn't find any"
  4. M-turkey

    woolworths 2nd interview

    I'm sure sure what your referring to but I'll try to help. After my first interview with woolworths (filled out information, did a test, etc.) I had a second interview with my eventual department manager. Basically, that was just so he could meet the person that would be filling the job (I...
  5. M-turkey

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 For fans that like to dress up etc. and get into the whole occasion, going into Kmart/Big W or whatever would'nt be the same. Its fun at bookstores because its a special event whereas its just a normal day for the big stores.
  6. M-turkey

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows It might be scar, however the last chapter was written quite a while ago. oh, and by the way. THE RELEASE DATE HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED! Date = 21st July
  7. M-turkey

    Don't give me the crap that attendance counts!!

    All it really shows is that your school didn't really care for the HSC procedures. People at my college got void-grades for not attending 90% of classes and I dont think its worth suggesting people
  8. M-turkey

    Managing clashes

    Most Lecturers are pretty good with their WebCT and most will put lecture notes up for you to check. So if you ever miss a lecture (it'll happen every now and again) you can catch up on what topics were covered. With timetables, you'll have to balance between whats compulsory/accessible and...
  9. M-turkey

    2007 ANU Roll Call

    Yep, XP works ok. The wireless network is really good. Connect to the access points (in libraries and Union Court, then open a browser and you'll need to login with your student no. and password. It's reasonably fast internet (depending on area and load) which isnt counted towards your...
  10. M-turkey

    The Woolworths Thread

    we've had the new shirts come through in our store (tuggeranong). I reakon they look alright. At least they're better than my night-fill shirt, horrible maroon...
  11. M-turkey

    Subject Clashes

    oh hooray! looks like I'll only have two 9am starts... mmm... sleep in's...
  12. M-turkey

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Halloween would make sense, seeing thats when the whole story started. It really depends on whether she's finished the book yet and when it goes to print.
  13. M-turkey

    O Week 2007

    There are also intros to the different schools and faculties. Not quite as fun, but plenty of good information for people new to the uni
  14. M-turkey

    The Woolworths Thread

    Re: Woolworths FAQ- how to get a job My woolworths must have been so desperate for workers. I applied on a public holiday (Queens Birthday or something) and got a call asking for an interview within 2 hours. Easy As. However working there sucks balls. Really feel like a small fish in a...
  15. M-turkey

    Offers for 07 new students!

    Let me say, welcome to all the Newbs for ANU this year!
  16. M-turkey

    What is time dilation?

    as discussed before, Mass Dilation is was prevents us from travelling faster than the speed of light. As our speed increases, we gain mass, as we approach the speed of light, our mass goes closer to infinity, thus taking an infinate amount of energy to even reach the speed of light. the...
  17. M-turkey

    Science Communication

    I think it mixes science with different types of reports. I think it goes into essay writing and presentations etc. I think they're there to compliment science courses so you know how to present research etc.
  18. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    re: The Official F1 Thread damn funniest thing i've watched in a while...
  19. M-turkey

    Why does Accounting suck?

    If you don't want to become an accountant, you could always become a Lion Tamer...
  20. M-turkey


    Re: Lost - Discuss Future Episodes Here! Yeah, the writers have dismissed a lot of rumours along that line, like their in purgatory, Walt's dream, even Vincient's dreams. They've said its all realtity, which is evident if you've followed the lost experience