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  1. H

    Is it wrong?

    i'd never do psychology, borrrrrrrrrrrring
  2. H

    what if you fail a course?

    thanks guys, but i've already come to the conclusion i'll probably fail, i deserve it too :s everybody says it's so hard to fail though...hmm
  3. H

    I'm buying jugs at the manning if I get a Credit for ECMT

    i do stat1605 and know what regression is, does that count?
  4. H

    what if you fail a course?

    but this time i have legit reasons to freak out, i just looked at a past paper and i couldn't do it, even though i crammed for the past few days, it's like i couldn't put that knowledge into practice, ahhh yuck :( and i don't wanna sleep because then it will be sunday :(
  5. H

    what if you fail a course?

    i think you will be a year behind..well i know if i fail chem (which is likely) i can't go on to chemistry B next sem, meaning that i'll need to do chem A again next year with the 1st year students and then continue onto chem B afterwards.
  6. H


    when's nip/tuck coming back?
  7. H

    Alternatives to med

    true with the tax thing, but i think to say you barely have enough money to live on is a bit drastic! and those figures are average figures, there will be vets who make less and vets who make a lot more, so if you're successful it's not going to be bad, at all.
  8. H

    Alternatives to med

    im so screwed, do you go to usyd?
  9. H

    Alternatives to med

    yes because on the first place you choose job, country and city. but i still prefer the first link i used, more trustworthy. and 011, ive done about the same, and exam is on mon, oh and i have one the next day which i haven't touched a book for.
  10. H

    Alternatives to med

    same, i got distracted :(
  11. H

    Alternatives to med

    here's another site mike, i don't do it every second of the day :p i do it when arguments like this arise :p
  12. H

    Alternatives to med

    oh kim, as if you 'barely have enough money to live on'! here's some data: :)
  13. H

    Chinese Slippers

    omg that's the same as some indian shoes i'm seeing in shoe shops in the city, selling for $80! wtf, my sister brought back like 10 pairs for 10 bucks when she went there :p and yeah, they're meant to be worn in the house. I got the ones with the slight heel on the, so they'd be a tiny bit...
  14. H

    $15 Tutoring: Chemistry And Physics

    yes :P i personally think if you're going to have tutition in groups you need classes to be more than an hour long, but that's just me, suit yourself :)
  15. H

    Chinese Slippers

    i had red ones and they'd look good with black pants/dark blue jeans
  16. H

    Chinese Slippers

    yes, they're ok but not a very durable/practical shoe for me..but no loss it was only like, 5 dollars for me
  17. H

    Alternatives to med

    but i reckon if you think about it, pretty much every job is repetitive
  18. H

    Alternatives to med

    it's true, Vets get a lot, but so they deserve it man i felt so jipped when i heard chiropractors make more than pharmacists, what the! :p
  19. H

    Everyone has to get this song!!!

    is that the one with samiare (anna from the oc) in the vid clip? i hate it that song
  20. H

    Cheap haircuts

    it makes me feel so bad when you guys whinge about spending $40 on haircuts when i used to pay over $90 :p then again, i only get my hair cut like twice a year cause im lazy