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  1. H


    paris hilton and marge simpson in the same page...interesting.
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    CHEM1101 Exam HELL

    nit were you pissed off that you didn't get a 100?
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    same, they're beautiful and make me feel sophisticated.
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    Kanye West

    ohhhhh i had no idea it's still annoying though :p
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    Kanye West

    i hated through the wire and any of those other songs with chipmunk voices, it ruins the song! like the beginning of twista's overnight celebrity i haaaaaate all the squealing! :p
  6. H

    Moove Ad

    he's trying to pick her up, duh
  7. H

    Which do you prefer? (days off)

    i would want a wednesday off like gordo, its like 2 weekends :) stupid 27 contact hours for me rule :p
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    Cheap haircuts

    wow, where is that salon?
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    B Chiropractic Science

    woah, i like only read the first pg of this thread, i had no idea chiropractors made so much money! this is news to me
  10. H

    parking at uts?

    why in the world would you wanna go through the hassle of driving to uts? it's right next to central station!
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    4 yr old dies in disney world

    aw that's sad :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
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    The People of USyd

    edit, for 1time: well that just ruined the high point of my night :rolleyes: not :p anyway, sleep is calling me..looks like the V wore off
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    The People of USyd

    although that was sweet of him to say, he lied! oh and i'm impressed you included all the asterisks and tildas in my shithouse username lol
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    Best tutoring colleges

    awww can't believe you quit andy :(
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    The People of USyd

    does that mean you wanna have absolution*'s babies then? ;)
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    Best Soundtracks

    dangerous minds boomerang
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    Official sign in if you've started studying for exams thread

    nit, do you get to do human bio next semester?
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    How serious is it to fail a subject?

    i'm trying to cram in 12 tutes within 2 days as well :( shit.
  19. H

    How serious is it to fail a subject?

    ok now another easy is it to fail a subject? :p