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  1. H

    Official sign in if you've started studying for exams thread

    me Started 11:30am, today whatever the date is i need pass marks :p
  2. H

    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    welcome to my world, buddy :(
  3. H

    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    how did you all manage to guess your timetable?
  4. H

    CHEM1101 Exam HELL

    pppfttt atleast you don't need to do organic chemistry in chem1101! it is sooo much harder :(
  5. H

    scholarships at UOW

    my friend has
  6. H

    Comedy INC.

    ...does she have her rags?
  7. H

    1 on 1 tutor wanted

    yes uai 99.90...ur really limiting your options there :p
  8. H

    European World cup qualifiers thread

    which countries are in this?
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    How good are the KNIGHTS!!!!!

    but he's pretty hot..:p
  10. H

    OMG They're back!

    you know who else is getting back together? the Spice Girls! (including Geri) wowz0rz!
  11. H

    Earrings <3

    heres one of my favourite pairs of earrings atm:
  12. H

    the price is right...

    they're all loonys!
  13. H

    the price is right...

    yeah omg, it was such a piss funny episode, it was like ALL the contestants that day were nuts lol
  14. H

    the price is right...

    hahah i watched the actual episode when that woman stuffed it up, what was even funnier was when larry after lighting the saw package up then asked her if she wanted $1000 or to play for the showcase and she was all like 'um...oh let me think this is hard' like, for real no joke ahahaha
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    slimming down, and toning up

    but bananas make a really good snack because they fill you up totally agree on the soft drink thing
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    Homosexuality - Choice or No? Disorder or No?

    what do you mean by 'homosexuality is genetic'?
  17. H


    CK one is definately unisex oh and i like burberry britt <3
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    semester exam people

    hahah yer, i do drugs roflmayonaiise
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    espo, you want him hard, i can tell :D