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  1. L

    Othello + related text

    Okay, my prelims are coming up in about 4 days . well my english paper two is . Haha , and basically i have to prepare a comparision study between the themes of othello ( i have decided to choose the themes or EITHER jealousy , racism OR revenge) and find a related text for it . See, this is...
  2. L

    Othello + related text

    i'm still in my prelims so im not sure if im in the correct forum to ask this question . but anywho , ill just do so . haha . well apparently , my prelims are coming up in two days and english is in the morning and this is the part where i am struggling. Well you see , we have done Othello as...
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    society and culture students

    I've given in my COMPLETED ESSAY and now awaits for the results . haha , hope i did well ><' . i-love-maynard , how's the essay coming along?
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    society and culture students

    ahh i see.. but i dont understand when you said that i have to THINK WHAT IS COMMUNICATING . For e.g. just say i had decided to do relationship between parents - discussion between teenager issues with parents . and i wrote something along the lines of " Therefore this depicts that the...
  5. L

    Extension courses for year 12? And what are you dropping?

    Im doing pretty well for my EXT ENG COURSE ATM . For one of my assesments ive recieved 90% .though , im not sure would i still be able to matain that mark . Suprisingly , i find my Eng Adv course more difficult compared to the EXT course. I am not sure if i should start EXT ENG TWO . hahas , im...
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    society and culture students

    Im doing the exact same thing atm . Well my teacher let us viewed a documentary on how teenagers are growing up in 5 different countries . It's called "Coming of Age" something like that . And for my Australian show i chose Home and away . Yes it's pretty typical but i don't have the time to...
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    Maths vs. English

    English FTW! though it was funny , i was actually into advance maths at the beginning of my prelims and hated advance and ext english but as time goes, now im into advance and ext english and hated maths again , like i did for my previous years =D .
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    Are you falling behind in a subject?

    Suprisingly i am falling behind in modern . Despite my good mark last year in the History SC . and 2u advance maths . LOL ... it is terrible !
  9. L

    Gothic Fiction .

    I'm preparing to compose a gothic fiction . Does anyone have any ideas and suggestions on how to make the narrative as exciting as possible ?
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    socialisation and enculturation

    Great ! i now kinda understand the difference between acculturation and socialisation . But now i'm struggling with socialisation and enculturation and what their differences are . Thanks for the help guys =] .
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    hahahas thanks ! :) . garrrgs... now i'm struggling with socialisation and enculturation ! ><'' .
  12. L


    Im up to my second topic for S&C in the prelims year . and it seems we've been learning alot about socialisation . Unfort. I still don't clealy understand what is socialisation and the difference between socialisation and acculturation . It'll be really helpful if someone is able to help me...