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  1. M3riJaan

    Were you stuck?

    Lol, in the last 3 days, my preferences were so shuffled and substituted from what i had set out, so you're not alone. But, err... I at least remember what i put lol. You might wanna check...
  2. M3riJaan

    Women who wear burkhas on the street in France face fines of more than £700

    funny since the veil was intended to protect the dignity and security of women in the first place.
  3. M3riJaan

    Were you stuck?

    lol you realise how easy it is to say that and sound all life-loving and cutesy? I actually chose to do what i 'loved' in HS and i ended up learning the harsh truth about scaling subjects too late, regardless of what teachers feed you about ignoring scaling. The vast majority of my friends...
  4. M3riJaan

    Were you stuck?

    and if you applied 2 days ago, lol
  5. M3riJaan

    Were you stuck?

    I've heard mainly civil. But since the percentage of engineers who find employment after graduating is somewhere around +90% i guess you're safe in any discipline. One of the reasons i chose engineering :D
  6. M3riJaan


    Hell yes please!!! I'd love to learn! And i don't want to google....not enough sentiment
  7. M3riJaan


    Damn! the wrapper actually makes quite a difference! the bland white just doesnt cut it with me offence @OP :S
  8. M3riJaan

    Were you stuck?

    lol i have to admit, the 2 info days did mess me up a little too. but the thing is, the lecturers have to lie a little about job prospects right? how are they gonna get any students if they admit that their course is the slow track to an unemployment apllication at centerlink?
  9. M3riJaan

    Were you stuck?

    Well i was doing a comm eng combined, so if one doesnt work then ill drop it. again, the whole job prospects thing made me decide that one. But a reminder, tell us whether you chose what you wanted or what was secure. Or even if you were lucky enough to have them both be the same.
  10. M3riJaan

    Were you stuck?

    To swing indecisively from one course of action or opinion to another? Lol, so you're still not decided by tonight? ah wells. Ive heard that comm is the best combination. let us know which way you went with the decision though.
  11. M3riJaan

    lol thanks! im thinking a combined degree with engineering in unsw or usyd. either science or...

    lol thanks! im thinking a combined degree with engineering in unsw or usyd. either science or comm. i got all 5 bonus points but i only need one so we'll see. n lol you dont need to be punctual there aye? people can wait lol. so which uni?
  12. M3riJaan

    Were you stuck?

    Hey there guys, Ever since we applied for UAC, I've been shifting my course preferences, as im sure you all have. Everybody has their own reasons for this, but mine were mostly to do with the dilemma of what I want, and what is secure. Ideally, if job security wasn't an issue, i...
  13. M3riJaan

    Is having sex with children necessarily wrong?

    i bet being anonymous helps being able to ask this question.
  14. M3riJaan

    congrats skank! yeah i got into my course too. ended up higher than i expected, n the 'rents...

    congrats skank! yeah i got into my course too. ended up higher than i expected, n the 'rents arent too screamy, which is always good, yeah? n be more punctual! or else u wont survive in uni! unless u keep on skankin it up. lol, later.
  15. M3riJaan

    Making your own notes

    +1 remember that you are making notes from a variety of sources, and as far as you should be concerned, your friends notes are simply another source to perfect your own summaries.
  16. M3riJaan

    Share your 2009 ATAR here

    94.30 missed out by .3 on my course!! aaah!
  17. M3riJaan

    Epically Failing Period

    That's the way mate, you stay positive.
  18. M3riJaan

    okay awfsome

    lol the library IS the bar while the sun is up.
  19. M3riJaan

    The beliefs of BoSers...

    1. Sikhism (100%) 2. Orthodox Judaism (98%) 3. Islam (96%) 4. Baha'i Faith (87%) 5. Jainism (85%) 6. Reform Judaism (82%) 7. Liberal Quakers (70%) 8. Jehovah's Witness (70%) 9. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (68%) 10. Hinduism (68%)...