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  1. M3riJaan

    The successone book title page

    dammit.......there's that bubble bursted....
  2. M3riJaan

    The successone book title page

    Im sure the brighter lot of you have all seen success one books, some even having the audacity to USE them, but i'm wondering how exactly you get on the front cover of one of these books. Every year there seems to be a select bunch of kids who manage to get on the front cover, so i'm...
  3. M3riJaan

    SOR I - Section 3! YOUR THOUGHTS

    man, can you imagine these people when they manage to get jobs? their boss asks them to do something different..."Uh...that wasn't in the syllabus? so no attempt"
  4. M3riJaan

    SOR I - Section 3! YOUR THOUGHTS

    What direction did you go in? All i did was relate each topic (ethical teaching, sig. practice and sig. school of thought) and combine it with a recent statistic i just happened to know and show that because its still happening today, christianity is therefore a living religion. somehow i still...
  5. M3riJaan

    Did anyone fail

    OUCH!!! burn man...burn
  6. M3riJaan

    Do you lose marks for having 2 related texts?

    couldn't have said it better myself, english is subjective enough as it is, i don't think the extra text will make much of a difference. And lets say it does, again, theres zilch that u can do about it, so just relax and hope they don't do that again for module C tommorrow. But all said and...
  7. M3riJaan

    this looks like a smart year

    I read the title of the thread and with all the complaining so far, i could've sworn "this looks like a smart year" was sarcasm...
  8. M3riJaan

    Do you lose marks for having 2 related texts?

    Re: Called up Board of Studies regarding 2 related texts yeah but you didnt... props to aeiss!!
  9. M3riJaan

    Section 1 - Stimulus

    Ditto, point and case: 2/3 page for 7 marker in trial, and i managed to squeeze a 6 because i didnt conclude it! And i seriously doubted that one. Just made sure it was all techniques, comparison and analysis and voila.
  10. M3riJaan

    1 very quick question about english papers

    You only need to mention it briefly (but not too obviously, be subtle) and then continue with your story. So lets say youve got a story about overcoming adversity, and the stimulus is a rockclimber, you can just slip that metaphor in there, and then continue with your story.
  11. M3riJaan

    Holy Mother Of All Internet Browsers

    LOL theres a 'super effective' joke in there somewhere!!
  12. M3riJaan

    thx for repsetations!!! :D btw not to sound mean, but when i saw the bear up there on ur...

    thx for repsetations!!! :D btw not to sound mean, but when i saw the bear up there on ur profile, i was reminded of harlequin type ichthyosis....urgh...but i see the bear now so all good!!
  13. M3riJaan

    Business Exam Discussion

    Re: Business Studies: How did we go? It's kind of...still happening right now...matter of fact, if you do it, you should really be there...
  14. M3riJaan

    what is so bad about UWS?

  15. M3riJaan

    LMAO brilliant sig!! I hope u actually believe that, coz i do!

    LMAO brilliant sig!! I hope u actually believe that, coz i do!
  16. M3riJaan

    Official dust storm thread

    Re: What was your first thought this morning when you saw the red/orange sky? Lol, i had exactly the same experience, i couldve sworn i heard the trumpet...
  17. M3riJaan

    long response question for belonging comprehension

    Doesnt have to be too long though. You can cover everything needed in about 1 page (A4...not sure abt BOS booklets), i managed to do this in my trial, and thats what teachers recommend too. You can even get away with an intro and conclusion a sentence each.
  18. M3riJaan

    Hehe, break and THEN some... not the smartest choice, but that show just makes me lol.

    Hehe, break and THEN some... not the smartest choice, but that show just makes me lol.
  19. M3riJaan

    Damn straight! Lol but i think there was a 'd' in there somewhere...

    Damn straight! Lol but i think there was a 'd' in there somewhere...
  20. M3riJaan

    yeah but other people have it worse, i've learned. I jst hope i did enough. anyway i got lyk a...

    yeah but other people have it worse, i've learned. I jst hope i did enough. anyway i got lyk a wk break before my last two, so hopefully i wont be stupid enough as to waste it... :S Im doin manual...n i have 10 minutes on mine :D yes, first writer, so ur probably all set for creative, huh? I...