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  1. Sharkeh

    Can ur stupid class hurt you?

    God I hate being in a stupid class... I like my ITVET class. Two people and we both average above 80%
  2. Sharkeh

    does ANYBODY enjoy their text for english?

    Giiiiiillllllbeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrttttttttt!!!!!! Omg I hated that movie. Back on topic, I don't mind most of my related texts Michael Clayton was a tad confusing at first Fight Club was just awesome 'Cash for Comments' isn't to be enjoyed or hated... It's just there Anything Leunig is awesome...
  3. Sharkeh

    You know you've been doing too much maths when...

    When you answer a genuine maths question on a thread complaining about doing too much maths... And Ext General Maths??? Sign me up! Side note: I use + instead of 'and'
  4. Sharkeh

    Matthew Reilly books

    I don't think you can say not to read his latest two It's your personal opinion. Others (myself included, I won't lie - I am biased) find them to be great reads So, namu, go to your local library. Find one of them, read the first chapter or so. If it appeals, hire it out. If not, well...
  5. Sharkeh

    How are you going to do study for the HSC exams?

    Heh. Study But yeh. Past papers are nice And for Ancient History - MIND MAPS!!!! You can never fail with mind maps. And trigger words as well
  6. Sharkeh

    The First Kiss

    Whoever it was who said on a muuuuuch earlier post that someone pushed their faces together, the end..... +1
  7. Sharkeh

    Matthew Reilly books

    They are making a movie of Contest
  8. Sharkeh

    To those who are considering to do this subject

    Still figuring that one out... Should probably hurry up, my IT trial is next week. Ah well
  9. Sharkeh

    To those who are considering to do this subject

    Completely online We want any books on it (Eg Excel cribs or whatever) we have to buy them ourselves
  10. Sharkeh

    Matthew Reilly books

    Love Matt. R's books Can't wait for the next book in the Six Sacred Stones series. Was also a fan of Hell Island, thinking of reading some of the other Scarecrow books
  11. Sharkeh

    To those who are considering to do this subject

    I don't know about the rest of you guys (and girls) but I do IT through Tamworth on Distance Ed... IT'S FUCKING SHIT!!!!!! I suppose it would be good if it were an actual class, but for distance ed it's just not....
  12. Sharkeh

    Calling all English Nerds.

    Echo has it summed up well. You pick a few well-known speeches as your texts and you study them in depth. Thats the most important part. Your question is asking about any speech. So that means all speeches. But you can't do all speeches, therefore the speeches you do chose have to make up for...
  13. Sharkeh

    Telling The Truth Related..

    @hobbsy-gal: I think they might. It could come down to the same idea as a HIX project - Not allowed to do it on something your studying in another subject @Alvik: It's an avatar offered by BoS to users who don't have a specific one they want
  14. Sharkeh

    related texts for frontline

    If it is he can look at the sheet we were given in class Or at the sticky at the top of the page
  15. Sharkeh

    Telling the Truth - Related Texts

    How about the 2007 movie Michael Clayton, written/directed by Tony Gilroy? Sorry if anyone has actually already mentioned it, just skipped to the last page
  16. Sharkeh

    sleep deprivation for HSC students

    < 6 hours But then again, it's always been like that for me. I survive off <6 hours sleep for a month or so, then I crash one day and have like a 8 hour nap plus my 6 hours of sleep It's not healthy, I know =p
  17. Sharkeh

    How I Met Your Mother

    Pretty much an awesome show... If there was only one thing I would watch on a Thursday night, it would be that
  18. Sharkeh

    2008 HSC Timetable

    Thursday 16th October: Information Technology (VET) Friday 17th October: English Paper 1 (Adv) Monday 20th October: English Paper 2 (Adv) Thursday 23rd October: General Mathematics Thursday 30th October: Information Processes and Technology Friday 31st October: Ancient History Yay me
  19. Sharkeh

    Girls in IPT?

    We have one girl in our class in a class of... Ten or so
  20. Sharkeh

    What's the most difficult book you've ever read (or tried to)? (Lacan, Joyce, etc)

    Not a big fan of anything Jane Austen at the best of times, but Emma was just shocking. Sorry to any JA fans who now hate me, but I just couldn't read it. I managed to struggle through P&P for year 11, but God help me this year with Emma