Search results

  1. Sharkeh

    What movie do you like that you have seen recently?

    I watch movies online actually ( Recently saw Ironman on there... That wasn't too bad, glad they're thinking of another one But I watched Assault on Precient 13 last night... EXCELLANT FILM!!!
  2. Sharkeh

    Best and Worst TV Advertisement

    NRMA ad with the theif climbing out of the window and the window shuts on his leg and the tile falls on his head The way his leg falls off the pot plant makes me cringe... Best ad: Not in Australia (yet), but it's a German K-Fee ad. Search Youtube for it =D
  3. Sharkeh

    How long are your classes??

    Re: How long are your periods?? Monday: 6 x 52 minute periods Tuesday: 5 x 52 minute periods Wednesday: 4 x 52 minute periods Thursday: 6 x 52 minute periods Friday: 6 x 52 minute periods 936 260 208 ----- 1404/60 = 23.4 So we spend approx. 23 hours, 24 minutes in classes every week Thats...
  4. Sharkeh

    Archaeological sources for Views of Sparta???

    Archaelogical... Jesus. Not much on that, unless you want to talk about how they could of been wrong about Sparta's 'no trade' idea, and talk about all the Lacadomonian artefacts found in other parts of Greece - Pottery (Backup about the fact that there was a kiln found in a Spartan village)...
  5. Sharkeh

    I Hate It

    I hate it But I do it Dist. Ed, so its a pain to motivate myself to do it without someone there to push me to do it But yeh, 10 units :( Sucks
  6. Sharkeh

    4 texts. Two Coleridge. Two others. Suggestions? (please)

    I used 'This Lime Tree Bower My Prison' as a Coleridge poem along with ROTAM
  7. Sharkeh

    Quick question - A 5 minute speech equates to how many words?

    I wrote a 4:10 speech that had 828 words in it Like previously said, it all depends on how quickly you speak, as well as how you speak, ie certain emphasis on words etc