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  1. Chiprr

    2024 HSC Chat

    I'm hearing people relieved from the stress of trials and realising how my stress is only growing because my school pushes them back so late. We only start week 4 and they run until mid week 6. I got pretty lucky that mine are all spread out but some people have theirs all crammed in the first...
  2. Chiprr

    ts eliot

    My teachers approach was external world and observations (preludes, rhapsody), internal/psychological (prufrock, hollow men), and spiritual (magi). I’ll probably be following fairly close to this for trials and hsc
  3. Chiprr

    What does a prelim english advanced paper look like/contain?

    I think most schools do short responses + essay, but my school did 2 essays
  4. Chiprr

    2024 HSC Chat

    relatable honestly, had that crisis a couple days ago and still figuring it out. Plans have definitely changed and I think I have a better plan going forward. You'll figure it out, I believe
  5. Chiprr

    Thoughts on iPads for school?

    I noticed the slipping most whenever you try to draw something for a graph, especially a sin or cos curve. Any parabola is significantly harder to draw (when I was just writing on the screen) and then I got a paperlike screen protector and its a lot easier but definitely not as controllable as...
  6. Chiprr

    2024 HSC Chat

    Don't markers only award marks, they don't take away marks? my interpretation was that you were awarded marks for things you got right but not taken for what you got wrong.
  7. Chiprr

    Which modules/topics generally appear in the HSC?

    This was from the Aurora Physics study day from a few weeks ago:
  8. Chiprr

    Thoughts on iPads for school?

    I use my iPad for maths and physics only since questions are mostly calculations which makes it significantly easier to do past papers. Everything else is paper. Got lucky with paying for Goodnotes 5 before it went to subscription and so I've had permanent access since then with all benefits...
  9. Chiprr

    2024 HSC Chat

    My goal is a 97 and my school gives us ATAR projections and my last one was a 96.15. I'll get another one at the start of next term which will have 3 assessment marks for all of my subjects which should be more accurate, but trials will be the best representation. The course I want is a 97...
  10. Chiprr

    when do you guys have trials?

    The only reason they make us do it was that a kid in 4u a few years ago decided ON THE DAY OF THE EXAM to do the advanced HSC instead of extension 2 since they had an extra paper. Only two of us do any study for advanced even though there isn't any point. I probably won't study for it for trials
  11. Chiprr

    when do you guys have trials?

    My school has trails week 4 next term. What sucks is that despite doing 4u, my school mandates we do the advanced trial, so I have to do 7 trial exams in like 3 weeks
  12. Chiprr

    People who got a 95+ ATAR- what did you pursue after school?

    I pretty much want the same thing in a degree, so it’s reassuring to hear than someone in a similar situation is enjoying it. appreciate the advice. I have a tutor for 3U and 4U so I should have a good understanding by the time uni starts, so that should be helpful.
  13. Chiprr

    People who got a 95+ ATAR- what did you pursue after school?

    Electrical engineering is what I want to go into at uni, are you enjoying the content? What area do you want to specialise in/go into after finishing your degree?
  14. Chiprr

    Year 11 Term 2 Physics Depth Study: Hand in & in class task

    It’s pretty likely that the teacher will probably try to ask you unseen questions. Revising questions you have done already can benefit you a bit, but if you give me 10-15 minutes I’ll DM you a link to a google drive I have of resources my teacher gave our class in y11. It’s a bunch of unseen...
  15. Chiprr

    Year 11 Term 2 Physics Depth Study: Hand in & in class task

    I figured the task would be on dynamics and kinematics, was unsure if the in class component would be a test or presentation or something like that. Most likely to be a test though I would assume
  16. Chiprr

    Year 11 Term 2 Physics Depth Study: Hand in & in class task

    Do you know what the in-class task will be? If its a test, just try to access as many different question types as possible to spot patterns, but ensure the depth study component (assuming its worth more marks) is mostly completed and to a high standard when you start trying to do questions. This...
  17. Chiprr

    2024 HSC Chat

    I guess that's true, eco just feels like it can take longer for me to understand a topic so I'd rather have a later trial exam for economics but earlier for others as content will be done faster since its easier to understand. My school will probably be part way through our last topic by the...
  18. Chiprr

    2024 HSC Chat

    For English, we’ve finished common mod, mod A and mod C, only just starting mod B. I only do physics but were only on starting mod 7 IQ2 and our schedule only has us finishing content like 2-3 weeks after trials (which are next term). Insane how quick some schools get through content and...
  19. Chiprr

    Ranking for English

    I finished y11 ranked 48/104 or something, and then in year 12 after 2 tasks i am 21/78. I agree in disliking english and it being a requirement. Hopefully you get common texts for HSC and then you can find plenty of exemplars to read and base your essay style on which should help.