Search results

  1. Chiprr

    guesstimate the avg mark/26

    I wouldn't be good at judging things like this since I go to a low ranking school with a small MX2 class and we have a take home task for our second assessment so I don't have a frame of reference for it. questions don't seem too unfamiliar with those you could find in other places so I would...
  2. Chiprr

    2024 HSC Chat

    Depends on what I'm trying to do. If I'm working on a take home maths assessments, I'm definitely going to listen to music, but if I'm doing anything requiring words like english or practice tests I won't listen to music. If I'm just doing practice questions for studying to keep my skills up...
  3. Chiprr

    super cool pip
  4. Chiprr

    Society And Culture PIP

    Not part of the target audience but figured I'd make it easier for others.
  5. Chiprr


    Replaced the link so it should work now if it didn't earlier
  6. Chiprr


    Just changed it from restricted so it should work now hopefully
  7. Chiprr


    You should just be able to click the link and have it open
  8. Chiprr


    banigul@30, Mikrodd, C_master Just chucked together what my teacher gave us at the end of year 11 for prelims. Don't have solutions to some of the module 3/4 tests but there's a decent bit on Mod1/2 that was alright. And some of the full past papers we were given. *edit: removed link. DM for it
  9. Chiprr

    Please do my questionnaire!! 🙏
  10. Chiprr

    alarm matrix

    Is that the pyramid thing of like: 1. Name and define, 2. Describe, 3. Explain, 4. Analyse, 5. Critically analyse, 6. Evaluate, 7. Critically evaluate ?
  11. Chiprr

    Extension 1 Math

    To be fair I'm at a top 300 school so we aren't that great that they need to be worried about numbers. We only had 19 in ext 1 in y11 and were down to 14 in year 12. The new year 11 has like 35 across 2 classes and they only want 1 for year 12 so they'll probably try to kick some people
  12. Chiprr

    early entry

    My school's career advisor would post on the daily notices with a table of when applications and certain rounds opened and closed. I think some opened in early April/may and the last I remember seeing them was August
  13. Chiprr

    how manageable is two extension subjects?

    I can't speak for it personally but at least 4 people in my year 12 MX1 class do english extension 1. 1 of the 4 does MX2, another does MX1, english extension 1, and history extension. They've done pretty well, finished prelim like 5th or 6th out of groups larger than 50. I do go to a top 300...
  14. Chiprr


    My school did the same thing and moved to ATOMI. I can still login to edrolo using my details and it says we have access to trial versions of subjects (don't know if they're time restricted) but I can also access a library which has biology as 1 of 4 available (others are business, cafs, maths...
  15. Chiprr

    2024 HSC Chat

    26th April. Google Nesa HSC Key dates 2024 and there should be a pdf
  16. Chiprr

    How to get faster at complex numbers

    Polynomials, definitely useful to understand very well and some trig graph properties (when it's increasing, when it's positive, etc.) to make statements for polynomials where to have to show a specific solution for a specific angle through de moivres (don't think I explained that well but I'm...