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  1. Chiprr

    2024 HSC Chat

    It's timetabled as 2 hours for MX2 on a Monday afternoon but the teacher generally takes us through the theory and a few examples, has us answer like 5 questions and lets us go so we generally spend an hour and a bit in there and then we can head home early.
  2. Chiprr

    2024 HSC Chat

    Not in the traditional sense. My Monday is 2 hours of english advanced, 2 hours of MX1, 2 hours of MX2 so I guess you could consider that a double period
  3. Chiprr

    2024 HSC Chat

    Some teachers are nice and give you a 5-10 minute break halfway through the lesson, others don't. Luckily I enjoy learning and am able to quite easily make it through lessons. (also probably helps some people prepare for 3 hour HSC exams as you already have to focus for 2 so you're 3/4 of the...
  4. Chiprr

    2024 HSC Chat

    The only thing that's good about 2hr periods is that you can get through a load of content in one lesson. Some maths lessons we can get 4-5 subtopics done (questions included). Since we get so much time we basically get no homework (which is both good and bad as you have nothing that forces you...
  5. Chiprr

    2024 HSC Chat

    We're on the same campus as a TAFE and uni so we never feel old. Its not a very competitive school and so some classes are quite small. e.g. y12 has like 220 people, MX1 has 14 people, English advanced has 95 or something. For year 11, there are 40 going into physics. Enrolment number usually...
  6. Chiprr

    2024 HSC Chat

    I go to a school that is only 11 and 12 (thank god), but I've volunteered to help out with the new year 11s tomorrow (y12 go back on friday). THERE ARE 340 Y11 STUDENTS STARTING TOMORROW. definitely a little anxious to go back though
  7. Chiprr

    Increasing Handwriting Speed

    I started with 3 straight away but my hand would get tired pretty quickly. Once I noticed myself slowing down considerably, I swapped to another pen with only two batteries which allowed me to write for a bit longer. After I slowed down using 2, I just went to a regular pen and finished the...
  8. Chiprr

    Productivity stuff?

    I hate that its only available to ios, macOS, and windows. I moved to android 2 months ago and the lack of support for it sucks
  9. Chiprr

    Increasing Handwriting Speed

    I did the battery thing and definitely felt like it helped. Could scrape out about 3 pages in my prelim in 40 minutes using 3 AA batteries, wrote 4.5 pages in my prelim without any batteries. What I would recommend is to have a pen with 3 batteries and one with two. That way if your hand gets...
  10. Chiprr

    2024 HSC Chat

    Yeah, specifically for physics. I haven't done too much of the maths ones but I spotted a few errors in the physics topic tests in projectile motion (iirc)
  11. Chiprr

    2024 HSC Chat

    I've seen it happen before, think it's just because it's referencing a private company or something. It probably would've worked if I'd split the word in half or something. You knew what I was talking about at least
  12. Chiprr

    2024 HSC Chat

    I generally try to use the ********* books (especially the topic tests) as a general guide to the questions you can be asked. I will do past paper questions before, then some *********, and then more past papers. I only use it once I mostly know what the solution to questions in that style...
  13. Chiprr

    2024 HSC Chat

    I'm pretty sure I saw the same thing multiple times as well in some of the physics questions and maybe some maths. The physics solutions would work towards an answer but then finish too early with an answer that was incorrect and they would explain what the final answer should be in the...
  14. Chiprr

    what are the most common prescribed texts?

    My old school only had 1 unique pick with good night and good luck by George Clooney. Other texts were crucible, and tempest/hagseed. My new school does wasteland for common mod (I genuinely despised it with almost every fibre of my being), and then we do tempest/hagseed and t.s. Eliot
  15. Chiprr

    How do internal marks work?

    I understand that it is general practice for early assessments to be out of lower marks, but I think the teachers at my school genuinely don't care. English was out of 30 and physics was out of 34, (I think) MX2 /45, MX1 was /48, maths advanced was /50, economics /57. I think my engineering...
  16. Chiprr

    2024 HSC Chat

    The only reason I'm using the physics one is because my teacher gave us this stupid assignment (our third assessment task) which is literally just dot point summaries and example questions for every syllabus dot point from module 5 to module 7. I genuinely hate my teacher for it because it's...
  17. Chiprr

    What to expect yr11-12 eco

    Y11 eco wasn't too bad and it was mostly about developing skills needed for economics in my mind. My teacher spent more time on certain topics that would be covered again in year 12 like unemployment so we had a better understanding earlier. The hardest thing for me was learning how to make...
  18. Chiprr

    how to focus at home

    I can definitely see a use for it. Good mix between brown and pink noise so I'll probably use it to do questions and general study. Brown noise during past papers is definitely still my go to though
  19. Chiprr

    how to focus at home

    Never heard of it
  20. Chiprr

    how to focus at home

    Pink noise is definitely in the same category as brown noise in being better than everything else