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  1. Chiprr

    how to focus at home

    Brown noise >>
  2. Chiprr

    Solving Proofs similar to AM-GM inequality

    That makes sense. It'll take a bit of adjusting to and will make some questions feel a little more confusing to approach in the beginning but I'd rather be safe than lose marks. I guess it should've made more sense to go from a known statement to what is given since that is sort of the approach...
  3. Chiprr

    Solving Proofs similar to AM-GM inequality

    I've generally solved the AM-GM inequality questions by working from what I have to the known statement of (a-b)^2>=0, but the more I look at solutions and from watching mcgrathematics they usually solve them from the known statement to what is given. Is it wrong for me to be working toward a...
  4. Chiprr

    4u cambridge questions are too hard

    My school learns content out of the In Focus textbook and does those questions but we are also given the Cambridge textbook. The difference in style of questions between the two is crazy to me and makes Cambridge feel super hard since we don't have access to the worked solutions. We now have...
  5. Chiprr

    2024 HSC Chat

    I’m at a pretty low ranking school and my teacher said he would base allowing people to enter maths ext 2 based on prelims. 3rd place got like 65% and doesn’t want to do ext 2, yet some people who got below 50% still want to do it. I got a great mark compared to the rest of my class and...
  6. Chiprr

    Math textbooks used yr 11 for advanced and extension 1

    My school uses maths in focus, but I found a Cambridge pdf textbook online for free and it helps a lot with specific topics and finding harder questions for those topics. Also, all of the topics (at least compared to MIF) are spread out a lot more meaning everything can be focused on for a...
  7. Chiprr

    Is Samuel Davis Incompetent?

    All of the topics I can find that we’ve done are: 1. Introduction to information skills and systems, 2. Tools for information processing, 3. Developing information systems (which was just Gantt charts and stuff), 4. Introduction to databases. I think my teacher tried to follow the syllabus...
  8. Chiprr

    Is Samuel Davis Incompetent?

    I doubt you’d get it. I’m not in a major hub (Sydney, Wollongong, Newcastle) and I don’t have a red head teacher. I have a class of like 20 or something and we handed in our second assessment a few weeks ago but haven’t gotten marks back. Our first assessment was basically a just research report...
  9. Chiprr

    Is Samuel Davis Incompetent?

    We run on a similar system of 2 ipt lessons per week. My schools sends our prelim results to a stat guy in Sydney to estimate an atar so we don’t get to drop anything for the first 3-4 weeks. If I’m able to get the marks to get an offer to do extension 2 maths on line 4 (a different class) I...
  10. Chiprr

    Is Samuel Davis Incompetent?

    I'm genuinely going to have to grind following this. My IPT teacher puts every single thing on stile and we don't get any notes for anything. 90% of my class has done nothing all year and we haven't had any system to follow or take any notes. We haven't got textbooks or anything and my teacher...
  11. Chiprr

    perms restriction question

    My previous year 11 MX1 was a take-home task and I recognised the letters in two questions from the Cambridge textbook (we use In Focus). One didn’t have an answer or worked solution but the other was a worked example and so I got full marks for the question.
  12. Chiprr

    Push through in english advanced or drop to standard?

    I plan on going into engineering so I see how the extra effort may not be worth staying in advanced, but from what other people have said since more people get band 5's and 6's in advanced, and so it can be somewhat easier to get a higher band compared to standard. I understand what you mean by...
  13. Chiprr

    Push through in english advanced or drop to standard?

    My mate in standard had a similar thing happen and like 1/4 were caught using ai, and 1/2 were accused or something. A bunch didn’t submit and a lot of them will probably drop to studies. Definitely more in favour of keeping advanced after reading a couple other comments.
  14. Chiprr

    Push through in english advanced or drop to standard?

    Our first assessment was creating writing so it wasn’t really representative of skill or anything. I was accelerated for maths and English advanced last year but decided to repeat bc I wasn’t entirely happy with my results. I finished the year 4/10 with like 70% as an average mark. The...
  15. Chiprr

    Push through in english advanced or drop to standard?

    Thanks for the reply. Was mainly focused on how I would be impacted by scaling which is the wrong mindset to go into it with. I’ll definitely need to talk to my teacher and do some thinking. Wasn’t sure whether adv was much of a “boost” to your atar compared to standard but if I have a higher...
  16. Chiprr

    Push through in english advanced or drop to standard?

    Got my marks back for my second assessment which was a multimodal presentation in the form of a podcast about a novel we got to choose from a list. I ended up getting like 60% which felt fair for the effort I put in considering I hated the requirements of a task. I dropped from 26/118 to 61/110...
  17. Chiprr

    Bad exam mark

    my first ext 1 assessment for this year, the lowest mark was 25%. The same kid got like 60 in advanced.
  18. Chiprr

    Class is behind on Scope and Sequence and want to catch up and get ahead

    According to my teacher's scope and sequence for year 11, we were supposed to be most of the way through topic 3: Markets by the end of term 1. We spent a lot of time working on our assessment in class and I'm feeling really behind. Comparing my notes to the syllabus, we haven't even covered The...
  19. Chiprr

    How do I study early in the year?

    I'll probably use the holidays to get ahead a bit and summarise content from term 1. Already made mindmaps for all the topics we covered in physics which seem to work well for me. I'll definitely get ahead in maths and will probably try to do the same for economics despite not having a textbook...
  20. Chiprr

    How do I study early in the year?

    Up until year 11, I never really had to study. I was able to cruise through exams and assessments getting A's almost all the time but I moved to a larger school so there is a lot more competition. I want to study early in the year but it feels pointless doing past papers when I'm not coming up...