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  1. 1981Grant

    General Thoughts: Biology

    Yeah, we go pretty indepth into the syllabus and we are pretty much expected to the third column on our own except for the experiments. I haven't encountered an experiment like that ever, so I pretty much just tried for the most logical choice, which was actually clock as they didn't have...
  2. 1981Grant

    General Thoughts: Biology

    I found it one of the more difficult ones. I talked about perfluorocarbons and that fact that they have singular functions where as stem cells when they differentiate/specialise will be multi-purposed as they can imitate blood cells. It was the only question I was unsure about apart from that Y...
  3. 1981Grant

    General Thoughts: Biology

    D is correct because you needed to realise that the cross was co dominant. You would have realised the codominance as there was three different phenotypes (not three different genotypes), the capital letters represented dominant genes. The co-dominance result in three different phenotypes that...
  4. 1981Grant

    General Thoughts: Biology

    Yeah, we're ranked 7th at the moment. I don't know if we'll go up and down after this year though. I might have lost more for core though, just depends how hard the marker is, even though my answers were pretty much solid for everything. I definitely won't get a state ranking though, there's...
  5. 1981Grant

    General Thoughts: Biology

    Yeah man. I think I got 19/20 for Multiple choice. I can only think of 3 possible marks that I dropped for core. I think I got everything for communication, perhaps I might lose a mark about the role of dendrites but I had everything else downpat.
  6. 1981Grant

    General Thoughts: Biology

    I talked about: -Enzymes -Enzymes increasing our understanding of biology -How our increased understanding of belonging led to developments against disease/antibiotics -Darwins theory of evolution leading to evolution in bacterial pathogens -Golden staph -Then I made a judgement that the...
  7. 1981Grant

    General Thoughts: Biology

    We'll see. I trust you on the past papers because I only managed about 4. Although I'm sure that the gaps can't really support punctuated equilibrium; thinking about it though, Darwin did use it to prove his theory which included gradualism... so its definitely posibble.
  8. 1981Grant

    General Thoughts: Biology

    errm no. Punctuated equilibrium is defined that evolution occurs over short spaces of time rather than the gradual evolution that has been suggested. Why would having gaps in the fossil record have anything to do with it.
  9. 1981Grant

    General Thoughts: Biology

    For that question I talked about how: -They hadn't included the ambient temperature in their data thus they could not hypothesise any conclusions referencing this relationship. -The lizards were relatively immobilised in their cages and wouldn't be able to generate heat by movement. -Although...
  10. 1981Grant

    General Thoughts: Biology

    I cant remember the letter but it started with prion, virus, ..., macroparasite. I think the letter was C, can't remember though.
  11. 1981Grant

    General Thoughts: Biology

    Cholorquine was the drug used to treat the plasmodium in malaria. Unfortunately malaria is a protozoan which cannot be treated by antibiotics as antibiotics only work on bacterial pathogens.
  12. 1981Grant

    General Thoughts: Biology

    Chromosones are DNA. So they were pretty much asking what dna was made up of. So I just said the sugars+phosphates+bases answer.
  13. 1981Grant

    General Thoughts: Biology

    Guys if everyone thought that it was pretty much straight forward after the multiple choice, What did everyone say object Y was? I had been through the whole syllabus and I pretty much had everything covered yet I had no clue what this thing was meant to be, I assume X was a thermometer.
  14. 1981Grant

    General Thoughts: Biology

    The lipids are definitely carried by proteins. Plasma dissolves Carbon dioxide and its also weakly carried on haemoglobin.