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  1. 1981Grant

    Chemistry: Checklist

    Yeah I have a really bad feeling for chem as well so I'm trying to cover all my bases. I'm hoping for heaps of calculation questions, i'm expecting I'll get asked on the batteries and lots of chemical monitoring and management where I'm weakest.
  2. 1981Grant

    Drawing up a Table instead of writing it out -CHEM

    What I generally do when a question asks for compare is that I draw up a table with all the relevant info in it and then just incase I add in another column along the lines of similarities/differences/comparison just to make sure they can't take marks off me. I think the table is better because...
  3. 1981Grant

    Repost- How many words would a five minute speech be

    We had 5 minute speeches for trials, most people's were approximately 800-1000. I find the easiest way to do it is to time yourself reading an article from a newspaper aloud. Then count how many words you spoke and then just add another 100 because under pressure you'll speak faster.
  4. 1981Grant

    Thanks for rep. Glad the list helped.

    Thanks for rep. Glad the list helped.
  5. 1981Grant

    physics/Chem final prep

    C. In a proper titration for this the burette should be rinsed with acid, the fact that it is not means that the acid will be slightly diluted by the water, reducing its concentration. The conical flask should also be rinsed with distilled/deionised water rather than the base solution. As it is...
  6. 1981Grant

    Chemistry: Checklist

    Syllabus comes first. I just compiled this from the past papers I've been doing.
  7. 1981Grant

    Chemistry: Checklist

    Industrial I'm using Na-24 which emits radiation and has a 15 hour half life. It is put in pipes/watersystems/etc and they go along the pipe with a geiger counter or whatever and when radiation is detected they find the leak. Its good for this because of its 15 hour half life which means that...
  8. 1981Grant

    Thanks for rep. Glad it helped.

    Thanks for rep. Glad it helped.
  9. 1981Grant

    Chemistry: Checklist

    I would agree, this checklist was really made for me and I have done a solid amount of study for chem so there's stuff I take for granted. These were just for questions I think that may be more than 3 marks.
  10. 1981Grant

    Chemistry: Checklist

    Hey guys I made a checklist for chem that you guys could use as well: POM -Alkane/Alkene Experiment -Biopolymer -Alpha, Beta, Gamma decay -Radioisotopes (Medicine+Industry) -Dry Cell or Lead Acid cell and Button Cell or etc -Combustion of alkanols exp. -Production of polymers (PVC, Polystyrene...
  11. 1981Grant

    Migraines - 24 hours before modern

    Sleep it off. Wake up early, study. Works for me.
  12. 1981Grant

    Chemistry: Anions/Cations Test

    I love this. I will attempt to remember it.
  13. 1981Grant

    Chemistry: Anions/Cations Test

    I know that. I'm talking about testing for cations and anions with precipitates and flame tests. Can you help with that at all?
  14. 1981Grant

    Chemistry predictions

    I did bio. The test was nothing like previous years, it was all focused on skills. The 7 marker was on an increased understanding of biology and its implications for society, I don't know what the chem equivalent is to that.
  15. 1981Grant

    Chemistry predictions

    Biopolymer: Polyhydroxylalkanoates (PHA) -Created from Alcalingenes Eutrophus -Its biodegradable property is suitable for its uses in nappies as it makes them disposable without damaging the environment. Predictions: -Water treatment 6/7 marker -Radioisotopes 4 -Esterification experiment 8...
  16. 1981Grant

    Chemistry: Anions/Cations Test

    Hey guys I really struggle to remember these does anyone have any decent ways to remember them?
  17. 1981Grant

    Thanks for the rep. Don't stress about ancient, you don't have to do ever again in your life...

    Thanks for the rep. Don't stress about ancient, you don't have to do ever again in your life anyways.
  18. 1981Grant

    Thanks for the rep.

    Thanks for the rep.
  19. 1981Grant

    Section I - Core (Pompeii and Herculaneum)

    I had one reference to the source. Maybe I should have been capped a bit more but I had a good arguement that got me through that.
  20. 1981Grant

    Anyone here work out at home but is still buff?

    Hsc fat. Never liked gyms like fitness first. Go to my rugby club gym occassionally but mostly do dips/push ups/crunches/etc at home combine that with running it keeps me in shape.