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  1. 1981Grant

    That Australian kid arrested in Bali

    In all honesty shadowdude, this kid is probably a shit stain, what I'm hoping they will do is that they scare him enough that he'll never be a shit stain again.
  2. 1981Grant

    That Australian kid arrested in Bali

    I agree that he should do a brief stint in a Balinesian prison but not the whole of his sentence otherwise he will just become a criminal.
  3. 1981Grant

    That Australian kid arrested in Bali

    I don't think anyone in their right mind would want to spend some time in an Indonesian prison. I think you don't understand that even though it is just some lad idiot that won't learn anything from this experience they are still just a kid. Have some compassion.
  4. 1981Grant

    That Australian kid arrested in Bali

    I think the real world is giving him a well deserved slap to the face, what an idiot. Saying that, he is only 14 years old and should get deported to an Australian detention centre as Indonesian prison's are rough.
  5. 1981Grant

    calculate my atear plzzz

    I fed it through my own ATAR calculator and it tells me you will get 12.5
  6. 1981Grant

    Which is worse?

    Tell the truth. People will respect you more. If you want to keep a secret though just tell them that you don't want to tell them. Works for me.
  7. 1981Grant

    What to do when you like someone

    That was real advice. Ask her out. You like her. Don't shit yourself about it.
  8. 1981Grant

    Coke Zero bad for weightloss?

    I used to eat muesli each morning and cut out all unhealthy foods for about 8 months. I probably was in my best physical shape ever because of it (Also was running).
  9. 1981Grant

    What to do when you like someone

    Eat some concrete, harden the fuck up and ask her out.
  10. 1981Grant

    Advanced English dilemna

    I'm pretty sure if you start kicking up shit and show that you're willing to put in effort to do well in english they will reconsider letting you into the subject. But you're going to have to work like a bitch to get good marks.
  11. 1981Grant

    What are some good movie classics?

    The Princess Bride A Knight's Tale Snatch Shawshank Redemption City of God Gran Torino Shrek Shooter Those are just a few.
  12. 1981Grant

  13. 1981Grant

    Am I totally crazy for choosing to do 14 units?

    No you aren't crazy. I went to a top 10 school and a few people did 14 units. If you've got excellent time management it is easy enough. I would recommend that you drop a couple of units in about term 2 though, just because you will have more time to devote to your other subjects and you will...
  14. 1981Grant

    GetUp! demands apology for senator's Nazi youth slur

    Re: GetUp! demands apology for senator's Nazi youth slur Read more: http://www.smh.c lol getup's shit. I used one of their videos for rep and text and just bagged the shit out of them for being inaccurate and misleading in their interpretations of global concerns.
  15. 1981Grant

    Regarding the chem paper..

    I think you'll find this is because they thought the chem test was going to be impossible. When it was only just difficult people were pretty happy. I know some people that had trouble with it.
  16. 1981Grant

    Rewards from parents

    I've been on your prediction thread, if you do okay in your externals you'll be fine. Chill out.
  17. 1981Grant

    Can scaling save me here?

    Really will depend upon your school cohort pulling you up methinks.
  18. 1981Grant

    Should I buy a PS3 or an Xbox?

    I laughed.
  19. 1981Grant

    Rewards from parents

    I will most likely be getting low nineties, I have never been bought anything for doing well in school and now that I've finished I'm expected to pretty much get a job before uni and make enough money to survive. I don't dislike my parents for it.
  20. 1981Grant


    Yeah it sucks. but that's life.